
but that would mean Trump’s just goofing around now and will get serious in a few more years

Those are all great numbers but as I pointed out, she actually got more people to vote for her than almost any candidate in any election. Sayng that she only got 59% of people to vote in her election is meaningless when you consider that on average, only slightly more than 50% of eligible voters votes in every

Ever since 2016 (2008?) it’s been like the internet’s full of people who just discovered politics and think they can say whatever meme’s going around on message boards and sound smart. If she had gotten the 100,000 votes she had needed, we’d all be talking about what a great election she ran and not vice versa. 

I think it’s just an issue of the season not being finished yet. They could renew it only to see the ratings tank or maybe it’ll go up so they’ll add a full slate of shows? That’s why they probably haven’t renewed the 100 yet, it hasn’t even aired yet.

I sometimes get the feeling their executives dont’ really want to work very hard so don’t care about developing new shows

59% of those eligible for elections for voted. Which puts it at the same voter percentage of the 2012 election and around the 2008 election. It’s higher than average for most elections. All this despite all the attempts to supress voter turnout among minorities in several states (including Wisconsin and Michigan). She

I think using the word “favorite” is a stretch considering iZombie is said to be on the bubble

If the “base” doesn’t come out in the next two elections they can all fuck themselves with a two-by-four AND the same copy of that magazine Stormy Daniels spangled hum with

I’d also imagine he’d never drag his security team out to a football game or hang out with lobbyists for fear he’d run into minorities

Forgot about ole weasel face. One thing about Miller, though, is that he’s not spending tax payer money to go on vacation or rent out the homes of lobbyists or are secretly trying to sell off our National Parks to oil companies. Pruitt even went as far to have the EPA deny global warming in it’s web site

Zinke and the EPA’s Scott Pruitt seem to be in a race to see who can be the absolute worst person in the Trump administration

What the F are Democrats supposed to be doing? They have absolutely no power right now. NONE. Nada. Zilch. THere’s absolutely nothing else they can do but write letters. If you want to give them more power to do something, vote

As does this guy....

I don’t know, he kind of comes off like some aloof, distant dude with something up his ass the whole time. It’s kind of like he had major dad issues going on that he couldn’t get over and had a messiah complex

Hanging around a bunch of Yes-Man does seem like it would get tiring after awhile

And then denied knowing him even after getting busted at his going away party

On the other hand, he liked to turn water into wine, something somebody chill would totally do

I think the most incredible thing about that play was that there was anybody in the stands at all to catch it

In Mueller News, he just nabbed a buddy of Nigel Farage and subponead him for information concerning the hacker Gucifer, Julian Assange, and Trump aide Roger Stone. That’s a pretty much the Fantastic Four of Collusion right there

a vat of oil supplied by a lobbyist