
But they also sat next to each other without masks during the show. They also stood next to each other on stage during the show without masks, like in the photo above. It’s just a perfect metaphor for what we’re doing here- everything’s shutting down, cases are sky rocketing and we’re doing stupid performative stuff

Do we know how they got Rachel Bloom to do that bit? Is she a fan of the show? Did she lose a bet at the CW Christmas Party?

I’d rank it one of the lesser on the series after the Battle of Blackwater, Hardhomme and Battle of the Whatever it Was Called But OMG Dragons!

Or, in an effort to appease the book readers, one long banquet scene dedicated to every item on the menu

GRRM was scheduled to write the script for the battle scene, so.....

Just saying, but Kucinich is not the loveable little elf that we all knew and (some people) loved. He’s a commentator on FOX who’s said positive things about Trump, thinks the whole Trump/Russia thing is overblown and a possible coup by the “Deep State,” and is staunchly pro-Assad in Syria.

I wondered about that too- there’s a lot of players who are both really good at pitching and hitting but because the sport has become so specialized, they’ll tell that player to focus on one or the other and they can’t do both. Maybe they’ll stop telling players that and let them do both?

It’s something related to baseball which ensures it’ll involve everyone shooting themselves in the foot

baseball contrarianism is why we can’t have good things

“That one time at Legislative Youth Camp.....”

Baseball is so going to blow this. Either somebody will complain about him doing something that’s against the “unwritten rules if the game” (you know somebody’s going to throw at him to “send a message”) or the advanced stats crowd will find a way to say he’s overrated.

They really have to do a better job burning their paperwork

What the hell was he worried enough about to want security detail at Disneyland? Was he afraid radical environmentalists dressed as Disney Princesses were going to harass him?

Just remember that all those places they raid will find it impossible to hire anyone else so there goes that business. Raids might get Trump and other’s rocks off but it’ll eventually tank the economy. Karma will eventually win

I dunno- it’s been kind of hinted at, or at least guessed at by me, that he’s actually a pretty great sales person, in part because he had to learn how to “sell” himself when he was a spy. He’s also always been portrayed as being naturally personable, charming, and warm when he’s not being cold-blooded killer

Yeah. I’ll only really care about this if this is all some elaborate scheme to blackmail half the cast and kill everyone else

Let’s put it this way- I have watched a lot of movies stoned. A LOT. None of them made my jaw drop in sheer stoner delight than this movie. It is a really, really, really, seriously good movie to do drugs for.

My favorite bit from today’s press conference was him saying “nobody’s been tougher on Russia than I have. Everyone agrees when they think about it.” it’s the qualifier there, the part about it how it’s only true if you think about it, that makes it so special

His own staff keeps on telling him that he’s completely wrong about what he’s saying and he STILL says it. I would feel bad for them but, well, you know.

Don’t forget several TV’s so he can watch every show on FOX. Maybe just have Fox & Friends on an endless loop of them praising him