
It’s going to take years and years for us to dig ourselves out of this mess. If a Democrat wins the presidency in 2020, they’ll probably have to spend their entire first term just trying to undo everything

Come to think of it, there’s a lot of similarities between the Mel Brooks character and Trump in that both have no problems with using a black person to whip up a bunch racists in an attempt to steal land for a bunch of rich friends have been giving him tons of money to do so

He was impeached when it was discovered he came to power with the help of Catherine the Great?

This week has been way too quiet and with him in Mar-a-Lago, it promises to be an even quieter weekend. This makes me think that either he’s finally figuring things, he’s about to replace John Kelly with Ivanka, or Mueller’s about to indict everyone

Funny enough, this is how I always picture Trump while in the White House:

Hmmm...there’s something familiar about a former Senator and Secretary of State getting shafted over a reality TV star but I can’t quite place it.....

“I can’t believe Hillary died and is having a funeral. Why can’t she just go away?”

How will George Soros be able to pay them if them if nobody knows where they are?

ICE is a great example of what happens when you give a bunch of mediocre, ineffectual white guys with a chips on their shoulder a position of authority and no set rules or authority to tell them no. 

Like Trump wouldn’t want a portrait made of him that wasn’t done on black velvet

Like he even writes his contracts, memos, letters and emails

Isn’t he on tour with the rest of the Eagles?

This is how everything in TrumpLand works:

Not to mention making it such a pain in the ass to move here, nobody from other (non-white) countries would want to move here.

To be fair, that’s only because Jared needs to get on Qatar’s good side so they can help bail him out of his business debts

True, but Russia has always been known as pretty much the exemplar of everything wrong with modern-day soccer fans. The fact there was racism shown by spectators there shouldn’t be a surprise to anyone because Russian fans are well known for doing things like that 

Oh, that’s not even the best part. The best part is that they’re setting up Trump for a perjury trap. If Trump is deposed and says he didn’t have sex with Stormy and then Stormy proves that they did, that means he lied while under the oath. Which is kind of like what another person (rhymes with Schmill Schminton) did

They’d have to draw pictures of the questions so he’d be able to understand them

Good job FIFA for giving the World Cu to a country well known for racist acts during soccer matches, random acts of violence, and a brutal dictatorship trying to undermine the world’s governments. Good thing they learned their lesson and won’t be doing something something like this in 2022

“Hmmm...Trump’s a really unpopular president and people see me as a possibly refreshing moderate voice of a party gone crazy. I know! I’ll try and double down on Trump’s policies!”