
I’m surprised he doesn’t end every announcement with “your welcome”

IS it going to be just a giant statue of Vicodin?

That’s my favorite song by the Smiths!

It says something that the main point of Conservative attacks upon them consist of:

That’s true but nobody has yet to explain to me how they’re going to indict Trump for illegal campaign contributions when it’s so far taken Mueller almost a year to prove the oh-so-obvious Obstruction of Justice charges or how it might not matter anyways if Ryan and McConnell don’t give a crap about it

There’s enough threads out there for somebody in the press to put it all together and form a narrative that Cohen and Trump have been pulling this stuff since the 80's and that has often involved threats and intimidation. Or that there’s probably more than Daniels and McDougal who’ve been bought recently. I just don’t

Part of me is, like, screw it- bring it on. We’ve already been degraded enough as a country, how lower can it get? Trump’s is and always been a disgusting pig of a human who’s somehow gotten away with it all of his life so in a sense he deserves this. In a sense, we deserve this. We deserve as much degradation out of

If there’s proof that Team Trump have been intimidating and buying off women- which there is- it is kind of a big deal. The magazine part is silly- the threat against her is some Weinstein level shit

IN my dreams, Tiffany is working with Mueller and wearing wires at family reunions

My theory is that Ivanka is the Keyser Soze of the family- everyone assumes Jr. is the super corrupt sleaze bag but Ivanka’s been the one who’s behind most of it. It’s just that nobody thinks of her that way because she’s a woman, somewhat attractive, and comes off as too cultured to be building hotels for crime

More like hires hookers who look like her and tells them to call him “daddy”

or his decades long feud with ex-band members. As well as the band members from Zwan. And various band members who toured with him as the “Smashing Pumpkins” long after he chased everyone else away

I wonder how many times he heard that during the day. Like when he and his wife go out to a nice dinner, does half the restaurant come up to him while he’s eating and beg him to do something?

The thing is, we already know how this will play out. Trump and the Republicans will pull something out of their sneaky little hats and further privatize education. Most of the Red States will drop their public education systems in a second (gotta keep them taxes low) while blue states scramble to keep their public

That’s basically what happened. The more die-hard conservatives in the House refused to go near it so they had to get Pelosi to get behind it. Same thing will be in play in the Senate- Schumer’s already used the Democrats’ position to get that subway tunnel he’s been asking for since forever and Trump gets some spare

Also... a Russian Agent

This Senatorial election cycle is hell on the Democrats. There’s a good chance the Dems can take the House but lose seats in the Senate

Always remember the Democrats really don’t have any power right now so the Republicans can do fuck all and the only thing the Democrats can do is give long speeches on the House or Senate floor. Thus the reason why voting is the most important thing you can do because if the Dems take over the House and/or the Senate,

Yeah, if Ted Cruz comes out and says he won’t stand for something happening to Mueller, we’ll know the Republicans are serious about stopping Trump. 

McConnell and the Republicans are slow-walking the investigation. So while they’re actually doing a decent and by all accounts serious look into all of this, they’re intentionally doing it so slowly that it’ll take forever for them to find anything