
one of the stories lost in all of this craziness is that Mueller sent Trump’s lawyers a list of sample questions he’d like to ask Trump if he were allowed to interview him. It’s easy to see that this week’s twitter freak out is partly due to that. And also the fact Mueller’s questions are probably dead-on and show

Flake and Gowdy are retiring and have nothing to lose in saying anything and nobody except TV hosts takes Lindsay Graham seriously. Until a big, well-known Republican (especially Ryan or McConnell) issues a declarative statement and one with teeth, you should assume that if Trump gets rid of Mueller, they will do

I feel like she’s all ready one of the best cast members. With McKinnon’s contract ending in a year or so, I can see Gardner taking her spot as the go-to female cast member

McKinnon is much better at the over the top characters. Strong is much better at the more subtler, character based character. And, yeah, Strong is extremely underrated. It took me awhile to warm up to her and now I realize how good she is. She’s got the extremely important yet extremely undervalued role as the cast

I always thought the Californians skit became a recurring thing because Hader, Armisen and Wiig loved doing it and Lorne and the writers let them keep doing it because they knew who their meal tickets were

Maybe CBS can do a procedural in which a gritty yet wholesome ex-FBI agent partners up with an ex porn-star to solve espionage cases

or they could just hire a two year old to play him

What actually worries me the most is that the level of political discourse in this country might forever be destroyed. Now that it’s been proven that brazen lying, intimidation, and the repeated shouting of the phrase “fake news!” actually works with large segments of the population, we might never go back to a time

That’s the thing- she tried to get this all out in 2016 but was somehow stopped before she could. All of this was even reported in a newspaper a few days before the election but barely anybody noticed.

The then editor of Gawker made a joke about how he’d support Gawker posting sex tapes involving children during part of the Gawker trial and it’s one of the reasons why Gawker is no more. 

I don’t know if any of this matters but it’s definitely a fun ride

That’s not necessarily true. The economy is doing great, we’re relatively at peace, and nothing awful has happened to anyone not living in Puerto Rico and his poll numbers are at record lows. Republicans are also getting creamed in special elections, like the one this week, in places they should win. The only thing

As long as Daniels doesn’t joke about making sex tapes with children, she’ll do alright

It can be both!

this is what I repeat to myself every morning when I start losing hope- the NY State Attorney General has Mueller’s back on most of this and if Mueller goes, the AG can just pick up the pieces and there’s nothing Trump can do about it. He may not be able to prove collusion or even obstruction of justice but he can

There would be a certain kind of fitting karma to Trump voters voting for President Trump and ending up with President Pelosi

His PAC also got it’s hands on some of Wikileak’s DNC leaks but so far nobody seems to care about that story

At this point, Ryan seems more guilty of things than Pence is. Pence has somehow managed to remain so unscathed that Mueller and the others haven’t even interviewed him. Meanwhile, Ryan let Devin Nunes run wild and hijack the House Investigation (despite complaints from both the FBI and the DoJ). Pence might be the

Oh, the irony over the fact that Trump might not be done in Mueller but by a #metoo inspired porn star who hired herself a pitbull of an attorney.

I am all in for Divorce Gate but not quite sure how it all goes or works. Are they trying to protect each other? Or is she screwing him knowing that Mueller’s coming? I heard she hired a criminal defense attorney BUT WHY?