
Maybe they should just end the game on penalty shootouts?

I think they meant something like that in S7 (which is why she appears in Conversations with Dead People) but the usual scheduling/story problems came up

Hate Whedon all you want, something he probably deserves right about now, but the show doesn’t work without his dialogue or gift for storytelling. Even when the show was in it’s prime, you could always tell if Joss wrote it or another writer did because Joss had the firmest grasp of the characters, the tone, and

to be fair, Chuck Todd is a hack

It’s a double album’s worth of farts

Jokes on them- nobody makes money off of music anymore!

Just saying, but if you are planning on releasing one EP made up of four songs and ANOTHER EP made up of four songs, wouldn’t it be crazy to put those two EPs together to make an eight song LP? Or is that not pretentious enough?

I din’t know why a Latino baseball player would have any antipathy towards Trump? Hmmm...what could it be? What would make someone from a third-world country dislike Trump so much?

I thought so too. Like he was going to think he was in a situation from Get Out only to find out his girlfriend’s parents are just really nice people. I’m really happy they did what they did

Narrator: I did not

There’s a TV show in there: “Josh Kushner thought he had a good life, until his father went to jail and his brother wound up working for the President. Now he’s left alone to fend for himself with his family broke, his dad out of jail, and his brother about to be arrested by a Special Prosecutor for stealing an

As always, #nojusticeforBrenda

More like guilt by being greedy, soulless, monsters lurking underneath the exterior of faux prettiness

Jared (and Ivanka) have been Democrats too but why let that get in your way when you can make millions and possibly billions accepting bribes?

On the other hand, Joshua isn’t losing the family billions in a really bad real estate deal. 

To be fair, at least Hubbard finished his book

what I liked about that skit is that it could have so easily been one of those skits that somehow touches upon race and yet, it had absolutely nothing to do with race. It went exactly where I didn’t think it would go

Maybe it’ll be a reality show type thing where teams of Scientologists compete against who could harass the most ex-Scientologists the most?

The Obama’s- Always Be Subtweeting

Actually, there’s a few things going on