Oh, I know. I actually tried to befriend her awhile ago but, sadly....to no avail
Oh, I know. I actually tried to befriend her awhile ago but, sadly....to no avail
Blonde female bassist awesomeness
He more than held his own in their live shows- Billy just recorded most of James’ stuff because he’s a control freak. Also, because James was on drugs a lot
The Pumpkins (well, Billy) purposely made their looks and their visuals as important as the music. Look at all the photos of them and the outfits they wore. Most importantly, look at the band itself- multiethnic and with a female bass player. What other band looked like that? And if the rumors are true, Billy…
No D’Arcy, No Justice
Tou missed Runio’s great achievement- helping write an immigrantion bill that passed in the Senate and then pretending he had nothing to do with the bill the moment it got in trouble with the base
California has the same benefits too.
My guess is that the idiots who pitched the idea consisted of about 100% white guys
It’s all true!
I haven’t paid attention to Simmons for years but I can already feel the insufferableness headed our way. I really like the Ringer but I feel like I should stay away from the site for a month or so
that’s on Bellichik, though. It had nothing to do with the actual game being played
Forget it, HighAndTight- it’s the NFL
I’m not sure if it’s about anything the NFL did as much as the referee not wanting to change a call at the end of a Super Bowl game and thus ensuring a lifetime of boos and death threats from Philly fans.
Considering the ambivelance surrounding the movie, the rumored problems with the lead actor and the almost unanimous love of Lando’s coat in the trailer, it makes me think they should have just done a Lando movie instead
This wouldn’t have happened if football players were banned from taking a knee
I liked Budweiser showing that they really cared about the people in Puerto Rico
Does the fact we’re now seeing trailers for it means we’re done arguing whether there’s a backlash against the Last Jedi?
I know teams that lose due to penalty kicks like to whine but Spurs outplayed them for most of the game and had around 70% possession. The whole thing might not have even happened if Liverpool hadn’t stopped their press (which Totenham couldn’t deal with) and went into park the bus mode.
The “Democrats will fuck this up” is unfortunately often a self-fulfilling prophecy.
I’ll add to that and say the prequels are a lot more imaginative and do a much better job at world building than the new ones