
That was easily the most insane, intense, thoroughly nerve-wracking yet fun soccer game I’ve watched since the US/Belgium game

they’re people who failed out of Mall Security Cop school

I think it’s more like ICE is made up of a bunch of bro’s with rapidly thinning hair and very tiny dicks trying to overcompensate for all of that. 

Did the Gestapo get to livestream videos of themselves holding big fancy guns at a Super Bowl? I don’t think so

The Democrats don’t have control of the House. They don’t have the control of the Senate. They don’t have control of the Supreme Court nor most state legislatures. If they can’t do anything, it’s not because they’re cowards or “neoliberal sellouts” it’s because they don’t have any power to do anything right now. It

This sort of makes me sad in that I totally bought all of QT’d comments about how he and Uma were besties and that she was his muse. Those comments now seem kind of fucked up now

Yeah, directors being overly controlling dicks is par for the course. ALmost every director has been accused of doing something awful to their cast. It doesn’t make it right, but Tarantino isn’T an outlier

Poor Janet Jackson- he won’t perform with her but instead will try lay with a gigantic hologram of a dead person

I was half-expecting him to do twenty minutes of his “Bring It On Down” skit do this is better?

These are people who did not just walk over the border a few months ago and are being rounded up now. In a lot of cases, they are people who’ve been here for years and have jobs, families, and lives here. The Vet who just got arrested after two stings in Afghanistan is 38 years old and hasn’t lived in Mexico since he

I don’t think it’s because of “outrage fatigue” as much as it as a lack of hispanic representation in government in the news media. Everything about Trump’s immigration policies and ICE are horrific but nobody in any position to do anything about it doesn’t seem to care as much because it involves people who aren’t

It’s perhaps the cruelty of how they go about it and how they almost seem to revel in it. They are an out of control law enforcement agency for which nobody seems to make an effort to reign in.

Don’t give Gowdy too much credit- he was the one who spent hours investigating BENGHAZI and is somewhat partially responsible for our Current Situation. There’s a good chance he’s retiring because, like Chafetz, he just doesn’t see what the fun is in investigating Republicans. Or, like the other 33 or so Republicans

Don’t worry- we’ll be well into our Banana Republic stage when people start realizing what the GOP has been up to so it won’t matter

As they say online, Everything Trump Touches Dies

Nunes (like Sessions) continued to muck around in the investigation even though he had been told to recuse himself. At one point, Nunes just decided that since he couldn’t lead the investigation, he’d form a separate committee with other House Republicans. Which is how we got here

But wait, it gets worse. The FBI and DOJ went to PAUL RYAN a few weeks ago to tell him to stop Nunes. So what did our Ayn Randian White Bread Wonderboy do? Told them no and continued to let Nunes and the House Republicans do what they were doing. 

Followed by a shot in which he leaves his desk to go to a fan convention


Oh, you just know that somewhere along the line, someone in the Fox/Trump/Brietbart Axis will use the word “snowflake” to describe people who object to the logo