
I dunno, Lincoln did it. 

I always felt that Grantland (and the Ringer) were and are great sites but you could always tell when Simmons was involved and when he wasn’t and the sites always suffered when he’d show up to do his Simmons thing. The site would feature all these great, thoughtful, and well-written pieces about any number of

He once wrote a piece about how his daughter had gotten into hockey, specifically the LA Kings, and how when the Kings lost in the Stanley Cup Finals, she experienced her first bit of sports heartbreak. It was really well written, stayed away from all the usual Simmons schtick, and nailed how the experience of

I enjoy the Ringer but it’s not nearly as good as Grantland was. Less long form pieces and he lost a lot of his best writers (Wesley Morris and Jonah Kerri for instance)

I would say that’s true. He not only was the first sportswriter to prove you can have a successful career online. He also completely changed how sportswriting is written as originally his stuff was breezy, contained a lot of pop cultural references, and was written from the view point of somebody who “was just a fan.”

I’m going to look at the positive in all of this in that Florida has a somewhat decent sized Haitian community and there are all sorts of Puerto Ricans fleeing from Puerto Rico after the Hurricane. So, good move, there Republicans. Considering how much of a toss-up Florida has been since, oh, 2000, the Republicans are

come to think of it, Diversity Day was one of the best episodes of the Office. I’ve also worked at plenty of places that sent out emails celebrating diversity to a bunch of employees who were 95% white

I’ve read elsewhere (so I can’t be 100% sure about it) that “shithole” is a common descriptor in alt-right circles for any sort of place that’s both poor and full of people of color. The term didn’t come out of nowhere

Possibly, but as work environments are still more like the Office than “woke” environments, it comes off as more real. Despite everything that’s going on, Michael Scott is still more typical than atypical

Gotcha. I guess I just thought it was more apparent when it aired that it was supposed to be seen as a bad thing. Whenever Michael said something offensive to her, she always looked like a little part of her died (PS- Jenna Fischer never got enough love for how good she was)

First they came for Harvey Weinstein and I was like “fuck yeah, that guy’s an awful human being”

FWIW- My parents wouldn’t let me watch Hogan’ Heroes because they thought by making Nazi’s funny, it would take away from the serious horror of the Holocaust (I’m Jewish). When the Producers came out, it was really controversial for the same reason even though Brooks’ clearly was clearly making them as ridiculous as

Except it wasn’t played as something that was funny or cool. It was played as cringe-worthy and Pam was depicted as being completely beaten down by it. The sad Pam look often came when Michael said something completely offensive to her

He was clearly a guy with no idea about what to do after he graduated and didn’t have the guts or courage to leave a place and a job he clearly he hated. He worked as the audience surrogate because most of us were at one point or another in that type of job and situation.

It was about having to work in an awful environment and facing the possibility of having to spend your entire life working in an environment like that. It was sort of existential in that the office was your hell and you were stuck in it in a large part because you didn’t have the guts or courage to do something about

The actor who plays Jason got invited to the Jaguars game and got a Blake Bortles autograph. This show’s love of Blake Bortles and the Jaguars is now a meme

I liked this episode more because it felt more loose and more fun. Since it wasn’t saddled with two much plot and exposition, it just let the characters and actors bounce off each other and it was really enjoyable to watch. It’s one of those episodes where it feels like the cast is having just as much fun doing it as

KG’s early hair game is totally not on point

she’s pretty great on the show, her character is pretty great, and the show itself is pretty great. In other words, check it all out

Karl Rove even said that most people agree with Republican philosophies but don’t like voting for Republicans because they come off like dicks (this was especially true when Newt Gingrich was their most visible party leader). So he had W- a guy who often came off like an amiable doofus- talk up “compassionate