
Bringing in his accusers would draw tut-tuts from the media and turn the fact of who they brought and why into an issue. Bringing in people who’ve been sexually assaulted to watch is subtle and effective without coming off as being over-the-top. 

That’s the thing- in a way, Trump is only doing what every Republican wishes a Republican President would do but he just takes the cruelty inherent in Republican policies and through his own inherent cruelty, strips away any sense of good faith and decency Republicans like to pretend these positions contain

And this is your daily reminder that the Administration is made up of horrible people.

The irony of an administration establishing work requirements that’s led by somebody who works at most five hours a day when he’s not only the golf links is pretty strong

Maine’s only there because their Governor is a freak show. Have no idea what’s up with NH but you can only assume the Republicans are about to kiss that state goodbye forever and ever

This is an awful policy and it’s an awful thing to happen to people, fucking idiots voted for shit like this. At some point, y’all going to learn that when you vote in people for stuff like “family values,” “laughing at liberal tears,” and racism, you get this kind of crap

I think Florida being allowed to ban oil drilling off their coast has more to do with the vacation home of a certain President and not anything else. Dude just NIMBY’d his own government agency

I think he basically means he wants the Republicans to use their majority to do whatever they can to stop the investigation. In other words, one more thing Mueller just filed away in his “obstruction of justice” file

the smoke from his hair alone will be enough to cause an environmental emergency for a day or two

But, wait! According to the Press he won! Because he made it through an entire meeting without drooling on himself!

I think the Republicans have even admitted to the fact they’ll let Trump get away with anything because they’ll sign anything they put in front of him. I think part of the reason why a lot of them don’t mind the sucking up and ass kissing- the more they do it, the more he’ll do what they want.

What does it say that when I read this comment, I couldn’t figure out which Trumpkin you were referring to. I mean, they’re all awful people with extremely punchable faces.

I’m in an NFL Replay Truther- the reason why it takes them five minutes to review every call is so they can sneak another commercial into the game. The refs probably know what the call will be in about thirty seconds and then spends the rest of the time checking his email until the league tells him the commercial

I’d go with that. The various acoustic versions of Outkast’s “Hey Ya!” can be really good and that’s not a song that screams the need for a sensitive white guy cover version

Most analysis that I’ve read said that just dumping 200,000 people back to El Salvador will be highly disruptive to the country, potentially destabilizing. 

How dare men not say anything for fear of being shredded online for anything they would have said says site that totally would have shredded them online for anything they would have said

I seriously think Ivanka considers her time in Washington as her doing a Year Abroad- she gets to do all these crazy things that she’d never think of doing and when she gets back, she’ll get to go back to her comfortable life in NY social circles as if nothing happened. This tweet is her telling friends that she’s

1)They should have learned their lesson

are you more worried about what the Republicans are going to say or the Leftier than Thou? Because the Leftier than Thou aren’t going to like anyone who runs

Gillibrand would make a great President, though (as would a bunch of other folks). Let her run and vote for her if you want to. If a bunch of the Progressive Purity police get upset, whatever