
The thing was was that the Dems saw those numbers too and decided to go for the kill but did so by aiming at Moderate Republicans who would be too offended by Trump to vote for him. At a certain time, like around the Conventions, that looked like a definite possibility and it’s why Clinton spent time in places like

There’s also a sound argument to be made from a policy standpoint that a minimum wage increase of $15 would be more harmful to the economy than a $12 one

I hate to say this but no matter who’s out there, there’s going to be one or two things that you’re not going to agree with or think is downright bad. There is no such thing as a perfect candidate- the only thing you can do is try and find the best of who’s running.

Can’t win campaigns if people don’t vote. Democrats/the Left are notoriously famous for sitting out every election but Presidential elections and even then, are notoriously flaky

I love it when the Left starts eating their own

Her “right of center” platform was pretty much in line with what Sanders was campaigning on, just as her campaign was pretty much just a shade less progressive than Sanders. I also remember her convention in which that “Big Tent” you are talking to involved very high profile positions for women, people of color, the

They’re angry because the ventiliation system is broken in their Russian Troll farm and it’s really hot in their cubicle right now

She “ignored” people in the Midwest because every poll up until the last few days had her winning (and by last few days, I mean the Comey letter). She also said that they were bombarding the Midwest with more ads than in other states but to no avail. It should also be said that Wisconsin is really serious about voter

Maybe it’s just a down cycle- a whole generation of players came of age at the same time who aren’t very good. Unlike when Donovan and Beasley and Dempsey all came of age

Everything depends on the team making the World Cup-from tv ratings to getting more publicity and buzz towards a sport being are spending billions of dollars to increase the popularity of it in this country. If they fail, it could set the program back decades and there’ll be s lot of TV people le upset they spent

In the best possible world, baseball will be fun and let him both hit and pitch. What we all know will happen is that they will make him pitch only and he will blow up his elbow and miss a year or two dealing with surgery

Agreed. I feel like the Starks are in a good place. They’re back home and bonded into some new form of Stark family unit. Sansa’s running things, Arya’s doing the dirty work, and Bran’s just hanging around, smoking dope, and listening to Floyd. We even got to see Arya and Sansa joke around with each other

I realized that one of the things the show’s been missing are those two going at it in scenes. They really are the best

And yay having only 300 comments half an hour after it aired on the West Coast instead of the usual 2000!

It was a reminder that the show really is at it’s best when it just allows Dinkleage and Headey to chew the scenery for five minutes. It’s always better when it just let’s the show’s great cast talk

Actually, this video reminded me of Use Your Illusion era Guns n’ Roses video with the snakes replacing dolphins

Congratulations Women, you’re the only minority Trump hasn’t insulted this week!

In response, Tottenham sign a 21 year old RB from a second division Serbian team ponchetino praises as “cheap”

Gilly! She’s raising her baby, reading old books, and figuring out secret branches of the Targarayean family true. Podrick just keeps on practicing fighting with Brienne and not getting any better

“The Winds of a Whacking”