
I’ve been saying thinking the same thing all season whenever people criticize the show- it’s befinning and the middle are easy, it’s the end that’s hard. I hinknir might be one of the reasons holding GRRM back- his books have gotten so sprawling and the plot so intricate, he has no idea how to start ending the series

To be fair, tax reform is a very important issue for the Jews and it’s important that they stay in the White House and work for it

Wouldn’t Arsenal fans be more into Spurs of Our Lives these days?

The fact something named “Brighton & Hove Albion” is a thing, let alone something that exists in the EPL is everything that’s great about it

I honestly don’t know what’s worse about these Trump years- the elevation of clownish, racist buffoons who have somehow risen to top positions in the Republican Party or the sheer mendacity and malevolence of it’s policies. It’s one thing to hire people like Preibus and Spicer, a whole other thing to bring in people

Speaking of Clinton, her husband put together a pretty good plan of dealing with N Korea but W and the rest of them just threw it in the garbage when they marched into the White House just because.. So, in other words, here’s another mess we partially owe W.

I dunno- I find the whole story about Drogba both owning a USL team and taking an interest in running it a pretty cool story involving a pretty cool player but what do I know?

That’s 2017 in a nutshell: we’re forced into wanting a horrible racist cracker to stay in his job because firing him would be an even worse outcome

This, the sanctions bill, and they’re implied threats about what would happen if Trump fired Sessions is some sort of sign that st least the Senate knows what’s up. They just haven’t done much about it- yet

“Cosmopolitan” is the Amy-right terminology for what Republicans call the “liberal elite” except with a bit more anti-semitism thrown in.

You should feel bad if only because it’ll mean anither 2-3 years of dominance by Real Madrid

Pretty bold move too- try to top that Kristin Gillibrand

To be faire to Flake, he is the first high-profile GOP politician to start trying to distance himself from both Trump and McConell/Ryan. Hopefully, there’ll be more to join him

During the healthcare debates, Trump was more nuisance than help, especially when the Senate was debating it. Instead of going out there and trying to help them sell it both to the public and other members of the Senate, Trump was doing things like tweeting out banning transgendered people from the White House or

This’ll make it that much sweeter when they crap out against the Nats in the NLDS

This take is the worst. The Dems fought like hell and helped beat back multiple votes to destroy healthcare so...let’s shit on them? This is how you get a circular firing squad going.

A recent story in the Atlantic sawall d that the people the Republicans are most scars of are Limbaugh and Hannity

There was actually a period during the last election, when everything was sunshine and puppy dogs and before Republican moderates decided to throw themselves in with Crazy in which Hillary was close enough to Trump in the polls that the Democrats thought about throwing money into the state.

Yep. She and Collins explicitly said they wouldn’t go for any defunding of Planned Parenthood. Something McConnell did anyways

Heller’s up for reelection next year and should just pack it in now and save himself from the humiliation that’ll come with hours and hours of footage of him saying one thing about the bill and then voting for something completely different