
Alaska has a high percentage of residents who rely on Medicaid and need health care. Voting for the bill would have wrecked havoc in her state, something people like Rob Portman or Lisa Caputo completely forgot when they whimped out and voted “yes” on all the bills

No, they really made a difference. It’s why all the other Senate bills, the ones way more horrible than the Skinny Repeal didn’t pass and not even in a close vote. The Skinny Repeal almost passed was because it was the least “offensive” of the bills and because the whole process was set up so people could vote on it

Murkowski also had no Republican help in her election (they wanted someone else) so her revenge on everyone is total and complete

republican Senators have quietly admitted the protests and calls had an effect on them and it’s why all the bills that were much worse than the Skinny Repeal didn’t stand a chance. Good job everyone

They’re not anymore. The military told him to fuck of over his orders on transgender soldiers and the House and Senate voted almost unanimously for tougher sanctions on Russia (something that you could say shows how they really feel about Trump’s connections to Russia). The only thing they’re scared of is the party’s

Hmm....politician facing major troubles with populace doubles down on fanatical religious types in an attempt to keep their power. Where have I seen that before?

Somebody on the internet called today “the dumbest day of 2017.” Which, while true, will be something we’ll probably be calling next Thursday

The thing about the bill is it’s being passed because they have no choice not to- it’s a bill being designed to pass just for the sake of passing it. The fact people’s lives are on the line mean nothing compared to the political calculation that destroying healthcare is less damaging politically than looking unable to

McCain’s already pretty much agreed to vote “yes” in regards to allowing a vote on the bill. But then in the most John McCain John McCain thing ever, will hold a press conference right after the vote to discuss his “concerns”

Trump is a virus that degrades and destroys everything he touches. Somehow, he just did both to the Boy Scouts. The Boy Scouts!

I dunno- Boy Scouts always gave me Hitler Youth vibes.

I know this is wrong to say, but fuck John McCain an fuck his whole Maverick schtick

Oh My God, STOP IT

In the end, that’s all that matters. She could be friggin’ great but if what’s around her sucks, she’ll suffer it. I mean it’s great that they’ll have a woman Doctor but ultimately what matters is how good the episodes are.

Yeah, him too. He had a reform bill with Collins that wasn’t that bad but he’s gone awol too

They bought her off with all sorts of money headed that only Alaska will get.

There is absolutely no reason Heller should even be close to voting “no” on this bill- he’s the only Senator in a blueish state that’s up for reelection in 2018 and yet....he’s being bought off by Sheldon Adelson and lied to by McConnell

Go here to see what local events are happening in your area. If you live in DC, there’s going to be a huge protest Monday and Tuesday night:

I actually think it’ll be different this time. A lot of the people who vote for people against their own interests (and a lot of other Americans, even Democrats) do so because they don’t see how government affects them. Whatever’s debated in Washington isn’t really seen as mattering. This does. People understand that

That’s partly why I’m posting info about the healthcare bill everywhere. I live in SF so barely have any say in the matter. Once again, we from the the most populous state state in the Union and one of the most populous and important areas in the country are bystanders in something that affects everyone