
I found this online as a way to reach him:

Like a lot of moderates, he gave a heartfelt statement about how concerned he was about the bill, how he was against harming good, hardworking Americans, and didn’t want Medicaid harmed. Then he met with Sheldon Adelson (gazillionaire casino mogul and huge Republican donor) and has been conspicuously quiet lately.

They’re all fiercely no and doing the best they can to fight it

I think Ryan said they’r just going to rubber stamp the thing and not even put it up for a vote on the House

My understanding is that the assumption is if you vote for it, the big donors will throw enough money at you that you’ll win through sheer dollars. Do the right thing and you lose your campaign funding. It’s just a horrible statement of the health of our democracy right now

are we considered a “captive nation?”

Once again, good job white women!

Not only that, but one who’s been investigated for WORKING WITH HACKERS. I wouldn’t be surprised to find out if the meeting was also attended by Julian Assange, Putin, and Lenin’s dead body

Yep. They’ve given Alaska a whole set of goodies. She’s one of the people who’ve been the most outspoken about how bad the first version of the bill was- to the point it was said she and Collins were talking to Democrats about finding a bipartisan solution to everything- that her recent silence is extremely

That’s it. As crappy as this bill is- and it’s AWFUL- the Republicans are convinced they have to pass something or face the consequences of being seen as ineffectual. It doesn’t matter if it’s a good bill or not, they just have to be seen as passing something. It’ll become a law due to reasons having absolutely

They can kiss the House and Senate goodbye and then watch the party burn when the investigations turns serious

Just a note- they’re totally going to vote in that Senate Health Care bill this week. The good news, there’s two definite no votes so far, that being Susan Collins and Rand Paul. The bad news is the remaining moderates are hiding in a bunker hoping nobody notices they haven’t said no yet. Supposedly, they’re too

Pablo’s weight issues and reputation for slacking off while a Gianr were fairly well known

It’s been a typical week in Trump-land except more so: exhilirating, exhausting, hilarious, demoralizing, rage inducing, and just plain depressing. It’s like being on a bipolar swing every two to three hours a day. I feel like every damn day of this god damn administration takes a few days off of my life.

Or at least say “I don’t really care what you have to say because you are LITERALLY a Nazi”

We live in such a crazy world that Cheney’s crimes don’t seem like that awful because at least making up excuses to go to war is within the bounds of normal governance- I mean every war ever fought has been built around some sort of lies. Colluding with Russia to win an election is so outside the bounds of pretty much

Here’s why this meeting is a BFD-it’s basically the starting point of everything

It could be that the intelligence unit was going to happen until the story about Donnie Jr and the Russian lawyer got out and somebody in the White House had an epiphany that maybe that intelligence unit is a bad look right now. As, you know, as opposed to all the other times the administration got caught doing

Yeah, right now I see things as a race between Mueller blowing up everything enough to keep the Republicans at bay before voters (hopefully) kick everyone out in 2018. If you read anything about Mueller’s been up to, there’s enough out there to think that he’s taking this very seriously, he’s going after a lot of

And yet: “The fact that President Putin and I discussed a Cyber Security unit doesn’t mean I think it can happen. It can’t-but a ceasefire can,& did!” makes no fucking sense. How are you supposed to even figure out what anything means out of that