
You don’t need to get THAT dark. Like he’s Princess Leia asking Darth Vader to form a committee to investigate and put a stop to planet destroying star ships

Here’s another way to think of it:

How dare you compare assholes to Mitch McConnell.

Why oh why won’t any reporter ask McCain whenever he feigns “concern” about something if he’ll do anything about it? His whole Maverick routine is a walking meme

Sasse is trying so hard to be “the Cool Republican” that it’s going to disappoint a lot of people when he announces it turns out he’s just another Republican idealogue who’s been bought and sold by the Koch brothers

New campaign slogan of the Republican Party: “We’re Very Concerned”

This article just seems to sum it all up:

I’m glad you said who the woman in the video was because my first thought was why was Cecilly Strong saying all these crazy things?

Sometimes I think this whole thing has made her enter a fugue state in which she’s conjured up a world where she envisions that she’s just some gal who found herself working in an Obama-like White House and gives super-helpful, super-wonderful advice in which the President, his aides, and his President’s supporters

Fun fact about McCain- McCain did his usual thing and spent the previous week going in front of cameras complaining about the process McConnell put into place about the health care bill. He was, as per usual, “concerned.” Then, as soon as the bill was announced, he told the press he supported the bill and didn’t need

One little talked about effect of our current horribleness is that Trump is so toxic, anyone who’s actually good at their jobs won’t take a job in the administration so B and C level talent are going to be running things even after he’s gone

Really? This is the most boringly, bland, vanilla Giants team since the late-Bonds, pre-Timmy era.

I’m sorry that some of us aren’t experts in a show that’s over 50 years old and was very often kind of awful. I’m guessing most people who watch the show- including me- also haven’t watched every episode of Classic Who at least 2-3 times. We’ll just shut up now and not complain about anything because we apparently

Here’s the thing, though- in polls, people support health care. Obamacare has over 50% approval now. The bill passed by the House? It has about 17% approval. The only people arguing about whether or not it’s a good thing are lobbyists, the Koch Brothers, and people wanting to get rid of it to spite Obama. That’s why

“He’s new to the job of being president so he didn’t know he wasn’t supposed to strangle a baby”

I only read SI for the articles

Jesus wants them to be disabled

The Democrats need to go into therapy. Maybe put on lithium and anxiety medication and do some serious work over self-esteem issues, including self-sabotage and the constant need to gain approval from the white working class.

those ads were so effective it’s one of the main reasons why Obama let the health insurance companies in on the creation of Obamacare- he was scared they’d do the same thing to him.

Let’s check out McConnell’s record over the past nine years to truly get a measure of his awfulness: