
FYI- emails don’t really work in getting through to Congress and/or the Senate as they usually go into the junk mail folder. The only real way to get them is by calling them (says a person who’s two Senators and Congressman are high-powered and up and coming lefty Democrats and feels completely helpless right now)

The insurance industry took down Clinton’s bill by having a series of ads featuring a middle aged couple were sitting at a kitchen table just chatting about the health care bill and all these awful things the bill would supposedly do. That was it- just a white, middle aged couple chatting away.

Keep your eye on the ball here- this about health care right now, not refighting the 2016 primaries for the billionth time. The left’s insistence at marching into circular firing squads the moment something goes wrong is part of the reason McConnell managed to sneak this bill past everyone

No, he was a Democrat. Thus the part where he ran as the “Democratic Candidate” for President. And thus the part it’s around 80 years after he was first inagurated and Democrats are still fighting to keep his legacy and Republicans have been trying ever since to destroy his legacy

This whole health care thing might be the thing that breaks me. It’s a deeply awful bill that’s deeply unpopular put through by a party whose President is deeply awful and deeply unpopular and done through a process that’s deeply undemocratic. It’s already said to break Senatorial rules regarding Reconcilliation and

He may have burned some bridges but he’s still the guy who hit three home runs off of Jason Verlander in Game 1 of the 2012 WS

at least it’s not a slowed down take on a pop song sung by a children’s choir

If they have to learn their lesson by losing their health insurance, oh well

Everybody said health care was the biggest issue and everybody wanted to know what was going to happen with it and everybody hated Trumpcare. And so they....voted for somebody most likely to bring about Trumpcare. Good job, GA6

Yes, nothing distracts people more from about being the subject of multiple investigations like comments about regulatory agencies and infrastructure

Like the MLS won’t suddenly grant NYFC some sort of newfangled salary cap waiver that will allow them to sign him

“I’m sorry, Tiffany, I saw ‘Breakfast at Tiffany’s’ on my calendar and I thought it meant the movie not brunch at your place. That Audrey Hepburn is beautiful. She’s no Ivanka, of course”

And often seems to forget the existence of Tiffany

My guess is that they look like the bullies in every 80's and 90's teen movie is because they were. They totally look like the kind of kids who counted down the days until Freshman Hazing and then spent the rest of hunting down freshman to give them swirlies

Stupid odd years

Christ, I find myself thinking nice things about W. I even thought of John Ashcroft a few days ago and thinking that he might have been a religious nut job but at least he knew what the role of Attorney General was supposed to be.

Oh, look, Republican Senators “expressing concern” about something. There’s a lot of people in the Republican Party these days who are “concerned.” It’s their new slogan! “The Republican Party: We’re Concerned!” It’s too bad all of them are completely powerless to do anything about what they’re concerned about. I bet

There’s also a photo flying around of Sessions meeting with the Russian ambassador at one of those events he claims to not be able to recall.

Any member of the A’s: “Future Yankee, Red Sox or Cub”