
or illegally hit players on the other team

They should probably preemptively ban anything Jonathan Pabelon would do

I think a lot of them just can’t quite believe what’s going on is actually going on. I mean, the idea that Trump and Russia have some sort of something something going on that could have (very) possibly led to Trump’s stealing the election is absolutely bonkers. So they’re skeptical and/or afraid to draw any sort of

That’s what I mean- I feel like I know more about this story right now than half the people at the Washington Post or the NY Times. I know that they have to wait for some sort of official confirmation about things but there’s been clues for the past month everyone’s been looking into Trump’s finances. Other than a few

He hired one of the best attorney’s dealing with fraud cases a few weeks ago. The Senate and House committee’s have also asked for information about some of the places Trump’s been linked with (like Deutsche Bank or the Russian bank VEB). They’ve been looking into his finances for awhile now

It gets better- Trump tried to hire better lawyers and reached out to some of the top law firms in DC and got shot down by all of them.

Pence may be awful but he brings with him a sense of stability, sanity, and an understanding of political and societal norms. At this point, that’s good enough. I think we’d all be happier if we didn’t have to worry anymore about what awful things the President has tweeted while we were sleeping

Everytime one of these stories pops up my first reaction is always surprise that people are surprised that it’s a thing. Even before the whole obstruction of justice thing, it should have been obvious that he at one point, he would have been. Sometimes I feel like everything that happens in this story consists of the

I think most fans and officials of the USMNT seem to have a good handle on their expectations, mainly qualifying for the WC and getting out of the group stage for at least one game. If they don’t make it out of the Group Stage, it’ll be seen as a set back and if they win a game past that point, then great! Until we

Except their towns aren’t actively sinking. I mean, it’s one thing to look at all the strung out people living where there’s no work available and blame it all on New York elitists but a whole other thing to be actively sinking, not listening to the people who are explaining to them the very reason why they are

I want to see this happen just to see how Trump manages to bring up his Electoral College victory

Considering Trump’s not in jail because of Ryan and McConnell’s “see no evil” approach to things, he should go out of his way to be nice to turtles. And jellyfish too as they, like Paul Ryan, have no spines

You could argue that all the Techbros are part of the same continuum in that all it’s the same combustible mix of commerce, idealism, and creativity that runs through the Gold Miners to the hippies up to all those guys living in tech dorms trying to come up with some new app that will make them billions. The main

It’s part of living in San Francisco- everything in the city sucks compared to the time you moved there.

usually, Trump’s targets are based on his personal animosity to said thing or some perceived slight, all of which makes me wonder what a whale ever did to him


At this point, look at it as the more of these things go on and the more it climbs up the federal dockets, they more chaos it creates. The Republicans might not do anything about it but they’ll be unable to do anything because the White House will mainly consist of lawyers, bail bondsmen, and Steve Bannon by then

The rumor and speculation is that part of the reason why the Republicans are passing their awful health care bill as fast as possible is because they know any day now something awful is about to happen and they could at least claim to have done that

Is this real? I saw that it was a couple of tweets by such luminaries such as Laura Ingraham and Newt Gingrich and then the press sort of hopped on it and now it’s considered a fact?

The key isn’t that he has “vanilla plans” as much as he HAS a plan. Something that Jurgen wasn’t really known for.