
the tiny size of the violin I have to play for the Trumps is microscopic to the point of not actually existing

If there’s one thing I’m sure about, it’s this- Ivanka Trump really spends a lot of time thinking about factory workers in the US*

Yeah, there’s been pieces of his financial issues that have come out from even during the election but either nobody has put it all together yet or it got lost in the midst of everything else. Once that thread gets pulled- and it sounds like it might- it’s going to be really hard to defend somebody the FBI says is

Oh, don’t you worry, they’re investigating Trump’s shitty real estate deals as well as his shitty financial holdings. I’d actually be willing to guess the deals are going to do him in more than the obstruction or collusion charges

I think Dodd Frank is going to be in trouble when it hits the Senate, but the Senate really is just cramming this thing through, democracy be damned:

And while everybody was watching the hearings....

The Republicans are a little too relaxed with their whole “oh, he’s just a dumb idiot who didn’t know what he was doing” meme. We need another tweet or two to put the fear of God back into them

The American Media thing deserves to get bigger play as it definitely leans towards authoritarian type stuff. Trump’s cronies now run the National Enquirer and US Weekly. If you haven’t been checking out the National Enquirer lately, it’s been highly Dear Leaderish and just know people would actually take that stuff

I don’t think she agrees with everything her father does but she sees all of this as branding opportunity, just as I Jared’s mainly in this for the money

That was a few days ago, McConnell’s started the process. He’s either got 50 or close to it as he’s busy buying off all the Senators who were on the fence. As usual, all the people deemed as critics of the bill folded the moment they were forced to actually do something


Please, do not get distracted by this. The Senate is about to pull a Paul Ryan and shove down a health care bill in a week or two without any hearings, input, or even a bill.

I think what he means by that is Trump will be somewhere in Riker’s Island and they’ll be running against Pence

It’s not just the Democrats- Republicans since Reagan have run out HW Bush, Bob Dole, W, McCain and Romney. Dole, McCain and Romney won their nominations by basically being the next guy in line. It’s pretty crazy to say that out of all of them, W was the only one who came off as new and exciting even though his

I’ve been voting for Kamala since she ran as DA of San Francisco and was having a fling with then Mayor Willie Brown.

Historically, whenever the President is of one party or the other, they take so much oxygen out of the room as their party’s leader that it’s hard to cultivate younger stars. It’s also true that when a President wins two terms, the next candidate up is the VP. Since Biden didn’t run, it fell to Hillary to be the

Why is it most people agree that the Dems shouldn’t go with one of the older folks in the party yet lovingly fantasize about either Bernie or Elizabeth Warren? It’s not like either are fresh faced youth

Newsom’s running for Governor of California. Also, he was a shitty Mayor

Booker got a max donation from those two and strangely seems to go out of his way to not say anything bad about Jared & Ivanka. I know, it’s a little thing but that’s a deal breaker for me.

The death threats aren’t half of it- she works in state government and was told she’d lose her job if she decides to campaign against King because it would be eliminated due to “budget cuts.” They literally did the “nice job you got, hate to see anything happen to it” to her