
Somebody should post that phone number in every bar bathroom in the country

Laugh now but we’re going to spend the next week being told that covfefe is a real term and reports that it is indeed not “fake news.”

I could go on about the idiocies of the lab (which most people have already done, BUT SERIOUSLY) but the fact that we just had an entire episode based on the idea of the Monks running simulations to defeat the planet and all those simulations ended with them coming up with something that happens by accident is

If you were on Gawker/Jezebel during the election, there were plenty of Putin’s agents on Kinja

When Harper said that “the rules of the game” were tired and played out, Strickland was one of the players quoted as being upset by the statement: Which puts me on Team Harper even if I’m a huge Giants fan

I’m down with the idea of the future king looking like Walter White

There’s a matter of scale and proportion that’s completely ignored in your statements (if I read you correctly). Trudeau is someone on the left who supports a few policies you disagree with and might be involved in some form of low to mid-level corruption. Trump is like a drunken Nazi Godzilla destroying everything in

Silly backward Brits only add a badge in the shape of a poppy in honor of “Remembrance Day” and have a few moments of silence before the game starts. Obviously, they haven’t gotten the memo that any sort of day honoring soldiers killed in battle deserve camo alternate kits and flyovers from the Royal Air Force

Politician doing politician does not equate politician doing things because he’s a wannabe authoritarian kleptocrat who does things mainly out of spite, racism, and ineptitude. It’s the kind of attitude that gave us the idea that there wasn’t much difference between Hillary and Trump and we all know how well that came

Ryan didn’t notice that half the class didn’t take part of the photo mainly because Paul Ryan is not very good at math

Oh, the schaudenfraude is oh so very high whenever Jared gets marched out of the White House and into prison. I might be happier seeing him going to prison than his father only because he CHOSE this path- Trump probably isn’t self-aware enough to know any of this is bad

He’s actually a lot like his father-in-law: has major daddy issues, accomplished everything he’s gotten because of his father’s wealth, driven by a sense of resentment and revenge, and thinks Ivanka’s hot

Whenever I see a picture of Kushner, I always think of this line from Jaws:

I wish we could just yadda yadda this part and get straight to the prison sentencing. This whole thing is killing me

They all joined Team Trump so now they’re stuck with. They have a choice- try and push on through to fulfill their dreams of screwing poor people over and over again or do the right thing and impeach their President and ruining any chance they have of ever getting anything done for the next four years and possibly

If there’s one thing the 2016 election has taught us, it’s that not only will it not affect Gianforte in the polls but he probably just gained several points in doing so.

But watching Republicans run away from reporters and visibly squirm whenever something happens is half the fact n. It’s going to take at least a year for this thing to be resolved but it’s going to be sheer hell for them up until Trump is forced kicking and screaming out if the White House

“We will get those filthy hobbitses”

The Saudi’s got a bunch of weapons Obama refused to sell them because they were more offensive in nature and not defensive (which works out great for them because they’re involved in the mess in Yemen). And, if you look at the Middle East being a giant proxy war between Saudi Arabia and Iran, Shia vs Shiite, Saudi

Which is why Comey’s testimony is going to be Must-See-TV. Comey comes off as a 6' 8" Boy Scout played by Jimmy Stewart. Once Comey either produces the memos or gives long answers about their conversations, it’ll make it just that much harder to support Trump