
If they spent more time there, Bannon would turn to dust

Billionaires just love to party with swords:

Of course. Or just give him a few trademarks- China has him eating out of their hands just by giving him a few

Check out the photo s of the whole motley crew partying it up with the Saudi’s. It’s like the first scene of a horror movie where the bad guys get everyone fat and drink before murdering them

Remember, one of the fun parts of this trip is EVERY country in the world has figured out that if you want Trump do what they want, just flatter him and pretend he’s as awesome as he thinks he is. Expect lots of ass kissing on this trip while everybody laughs at him when he’s not in the room

Well, they tried to take away Hillary’s for not following proper internet protocols so I’m sure they’ll take it away from Jared for improperly meeting with Russian bankers

he’s going to get frog marched out of the White House after they have proof he uses his hotels and casinos to launder money for the Russian mafia

Don’t worry- he’s got a very pissed off Israel still to visit (including a visit to the Holocaust Memorial which should go really well), a visit with a Pope who’s already said plenty of bad things about him, and a bunch of NATO countries who are openly mocking him behind his back. He’s got plenty of time to get

There’s nothing about Comey that makes it seem like you should ever fuck with him. For the maybe the first time in his life, Trump finally pissed off the very last person he should piss off

Don’t forget Jared’s now under investigation for both Obstruction of Justice (he was one of the people telling Trump he should fire Comey) but for also having tons of meetings with Russian officials that were neither reported nor on the level

a whole bunch of Republicans had moved to “Comey’s going to have to provide his memos” as their default way of pretending the Obstruction of Justice charge wasn’t real. The moment he holds up the memos, there goes another excuse to ignore things. It also becomes something where they have to choose to either believe

He doesn’t have to- all he has to do is whip out every memo he wrote involving dinner conversations with Trump and Trump’s lawyers have to get even more serious about studying impeachment

I wish I could take off work for this. This going to be some Game Of Thrones level revenge smack down. They’re going to have to chain Trump up for a week to keep him away from tweeting

This is fine

Between the stories that came out today, will come out next week, the hilarity that will inevitably come out Trump’s world tour, and Comey getting revenge in his Senate testimony, who knows where we’ll be come June

I’m thinking McConnel’s made a deal with the pilot to fly Trump to Russia and throw him off the plane there

how could you tell the difference between that and his normal public speaking events?

Jesus, there’s like a story being broken every five minutes this afternoon.

The sweet, sweet, schadenfreude that will be Jared Kushner going down. So much schadenfreude.

It’s more like when you’re dumb, idiotic parents go away for the weekend on a ski trip with all of your teachers and friends parents and you’re terrified about how much they’ll screw up your life while away