
This is great news but i’m a little disappointed in that I felt we were a Comey appearance in front of a committee away from ending this thing. It’s going to take at least a year for Mueller to announce something and we’ll miss all the drama of Trump being smacked down live in TV.

And the CIA and the FBI and probally half if D.C. That story about Trump revealing top secret info had to one from somewhere

There’s no wayib hell any of this happened without Pence knowing. I mean, he had Tigard asked at some point what’s with all the Russians and Naxos?

The crazy thing by about this story is she could be right! But I doubt it

Somebody pointed out on the news today that Obama refused to meet with the FBI director in private because he was afraid of how bad it would look. The fact we went from that to what we have now is still apalling

Mensch is a crazy grifter attention whore. There’s any number of things she’s said that are both downright nuts (like Putin had Andrew Breitbart murdered) and have been completely debunked. What she does now is basically throw a billion things out there in hopes one or two of them are correct, and then she’ll tweet a

He’s going to Israel next week (or was- Israel’s not exactly happy about that right now) and will go to the Western Wall (as well as the Church of the Holy Seplucher) Why?

The good thing about Trump leaking info from Israeli intelligence is it’s probably the only country Trump could do this to and Republicans would give a damn.

He didn’t really declassify it, though, he just blurted it out in a conversation, in a desperate attempt to show off to the Russians. If you read the entire thing he said, he came off like a kid bragging to another kid about some new toy he got

It’s already happened- Israel and other intelligence agencies were afraid to give the US intelligence information way back in the beginning of the administration because....wait for it....they were afraid he’d tell the Rusians

Except it wasn’t meant ironically- press seems desperate to play up the idea if Republicans turning against Trump because they can’t even believe the Republicans are doing what they’re

Lest we forget there’s also this story:

If you do a quick search on “Paul Ryan Trump intelligence” there’s already at least stories already posted making fun of Ryan about that tweet from places like USA Today and WaPo. My guess is Ryan’s not going near a camera and/or microphone until this thing dies down (which should be on Thursday when Trump does

Paul Ryan has already issued a statement about this being “troubling” and that we “need to hear what happened” about the leak. This got praise on CNN for being “one of the toughest statements yet about Trump from a Republican.”

Uhhhh....And there’s this tweet from Paul Ryan during the election: “It’s simple: Individuals who are ‘extremely careless’ w/ classified info should be denied further access to it.”

It’s like ICE has hired a bunch of agents mainly consisting of people who were deemed too emotionally unstable to be security mall guards. Like the kind of guys who grew up thought Limp Bizkit was really deep and spoke to them

Don’t forget Tiffany!

Just look at the new assistant AG, Rosenstein- he’s in his job less than two weeks and already an entire career based on honesty and integrity is shot to pieces. Just being near Trump is enough to have everything you’ve worked on shot to pieces

I’ll allow it

My guess is none of them give a fuck about the Civil War (Spencer was born in Boston) but mainly care about pissing off “liberal snowflakes.” Probably more so than African Americans with whom should have been giving free reign to beat the snot out of them