
9:00 PM- Rally for Confederate Generals

Latest word is thst he wants to testify but in public, not private and is holding out for that

That’s my read in him too- that he’s so obsessed with his and thus the FBI’s image of integrity that he winds up pissing everyone off. People think he grandstands because he’s more concerned with his image than politics.

I have a huge test coming up but ever since Comey’s been fired, I’m obsessed to the point I check twitter feeds even when I walk somewhere

Mensch throws hundreds of pieces of shit st the wall and some of it sticks- some of it is ludicrous and since she’s an attention whore, she’s making it harder for some of the less annoying, possibly more credible guys like Taylor to get there due.

Then there’s this-  After all this craziness involving Comey, Trump met today with the Russian foreign minister and the ambassador. The very same ambassador who Flynn was caught talking too and who Sessions lied about meeting and for which he now is “recusing” himself in the Russia investigation. The ambassador, btw,

I think it’s because either the Republicans completely cave in and we can officially give up the notion of being a functioning Democracy OR the Impeachment and Imprisonment Countdown Clock just started

He was supposed to be meeting with the Senate Intelligence Committee on Thursday and has said he’ll still come in to meet with them. Trump probably should have fired Comey after the meeting and not before because Comey’s going to be serving some cold dishes

Not sure how excited he’ll be watching Kristin Gillibrand being sworn in

I’ve been reading Claude for weeks but was always sort of dubious about what he was saying because why would some low-level official in the Clinton know all this juicy stuff? And then this happened and I BELIEVE!!!!!!!!! I BELIEVE!!!!!!!!

Even Gloria Borger is about to lose it

CNN is kind of fun right now. Everyone’s so stunned and flabbergasted by everything they can barely speak. Except for Jeffrey Toobin who’s in full rant mode and keeps on screaming “this isn’t normal!”

Comey deserves a place in hell for his letter but he seemed to be deeply serious about Trump Russia. He was, I thought, the only one who could save us. Which is probably why he’s gone

Kinda thinking he needs to do the full tweet instead of the sub tweet now. Also thinking Thursday might have been a better day to do it than today

Or that a bunch if people are trying their best to wipe out your legacy because, well, you know

Thing is that used to be the norm. Even when the parties knew they were lying about costs, they still sent it to the CBO for scoring. The House not even caring about whatever the CBO says (and the CBO will crap all over it) just shows both how bad they know this bill is and how little they care that it is

I think it’s great that such a huge, momentous shift in American foreign policy was put together by the ex head of Exxon, some dude who wrote a rap musical, and a former reality TV star/part-time President of the United States. Lots of foreign policy experience there

Yeah, everybody’s focused on all the bomb dropping and wars but what the US really makes a point of doing and for which people (used to) have enormous love for the US was our use of soft power and all the money and people we we’d send- sometimes without really any political benefit at all- to help places that needed

Or you could look at it like “Trump just wants carte blanche to do whatever business he wants with any foreign country no matter how awful that country is”

That’s how I feel- whenever in doubt, the Republucans will do something worse than you think. EVERYTIME