
There’s gotta be s hostage situation going on with them in the House because a lot of those moderates are voting for it. It’s like they’te more scared of being blamed for it failing than if it passing and people dying

Fun facts about the bill- it’s going to be voted on tomorrow because they’re going on a two week recess and don’t want to risk congressmen changing their minds after hearing it from voters during the break.

I know what you’re thinking but placing your hope in Mitch McConnel is a really bad place for all of us to be

She won the popular vote by almost three million votes. She has every right to go out there and rub it in everyone’s faces that somehow shithead’s the one in the White House.

It’s the first class you take in “How to Be a Political Pundit” class

Oh, fuck this shit. If she got a few more votes in three states, she would have won and this book would have been about Hillary’s glorious, historic victory in which everybody comes off looking like heroes. Everyone on Obama’s team has said over the past couple of weeks that their campaign in both ‘08 and ‘12 were hot

The thing is that he’s never been a good deal-maker. He’s actually a horrible, awful businessman who’s achieved most of what he’s gotten through his father’s inheritence, great bankruptcy lawyers, fraud, and shady dealings with Russian oligarchs. He doesn’t even really own the buildings that are named after him, he

Yeah, Kushner’s been up to some shady shit with both Russia and China. In a way, him being indicted and found guilty in all of this just might be the coldest dish best served.

I want everyone arrested ASAP but you have remember that the FBI is investigating if the sitting President of the USA colluded with Russia to win an election. That doesn’t just mean Manafort, Flynn and Page but the actual President as well as anyone surrounding him who was involved or knew (like Sessions. Or, hell,

I read one story where all the Republican Senators openly mock Trump and debate amongst themselves what thing will finally get Trump knocked out of office. The story also said most Senate Republicans think there was something up regarding his relationship with Russia and even think he colluded with them.

FBI refused his request for immunity for reasons they haven’t said (speculation was that they didn’t need his immunity because they already had him nailed). Congress hasn’t granted him immunity because investigating him would mean doing their jobs

I hadn’t heard that. I just thought the FBI didn’t need him for whatever reason, including the idea that they had enough to nail him anyways

There are hundreds of reasons to want the Democrats to take over the House in 2018 but right up there is all the investigating they can do. The idea that they start demanding Trump’s tax returns within minutes of being sworn in is glorious

One the one hand, it’ll be the most anticlimatic ending since Lost. On the other hand, we’ll have a JFK assassination-like conspiracy to entertain everyone for years to come. So...yay!

Let me fix this headline for you:

You missed the Bernie/DNC WWC apology tour. As well as the subsequent backlash. The big debate right now has s how much do we need the WWC vs how much we should just focus on our non-WWC base

My bmom guest worry is that all that energy that happened in the first few months had been exhausted to the point the new healthcare bill barely raises a ruckus. There’s a reason why this thing is trying to be passed so quickly.

So, yay...the gutting of ESPN’s hockey and baseball crew means ESPN can drop the pretense of caring about other sports and now have free rein to do nothing but the NFL and NBA 24 hours a day, 365 days a year

It’s almost like he’s discovering that it’s awfully hard to do things when you don’t produce your own reality show, have lawyers who can buy people off, or launder money through elaborate schemes involving Russian oligarchs.

if we don’t pay, the insurers don’t get some of the money they need as well as get the sense that the government is bailing on Obamacare and start pulling out of the plan. So basically, without the payments, bad things will happen. Very bad things