
There’s any number of columnists, politicians and pundits who are more than performance art pieces. Coulter’s whole schtick is to say outrageous things to get attention. She’s just s troll plans simple

Coulter’s not doing it to start a dialogue but to troll the left so she and other conservatives can claim to be “victimized” by a bunch of PC SJW’s. It’s just a stunt. to feed the Right’s constant diet of resentment. Besides, does anyone really think Anne Coulter has anything of value to say anyways?

Will all be worth it if a gif of him being punched goes viral

Not sure if I want to go that far, especially as the rumor is he’s autistic. Either that or he’s Damien from the Omen movies

I think “tax plan” is a generous phrase as it appears to be a single page of bullet points highlighting things he wants to do. It’s barely a step above a Dream Board 

He also appears to not be spending her birthday with her in New York. Which one would do if they had a heart and cared about their wife

He and his entire family (except Tiffany, of course) wind up in prison for various crimes, including begging the Russians to help him win the election so everyone in the fucking world knows that without any doubt, Hillary would have won the election.

I read Jayson Stark when I was a kid in Philly when he covered Phillies games. He’s one of the best baseball writers out there and has been years. It floors me that they got rid of somebody that talented and experienced* in light of all the garbage and crappy ex-players who usually fill up ESPN

Yeah, one of the reasons why I haven’t gotten rid of cable is because of the ability to watch every SF Giants game. It’s a big deal to me to be able to come home and flip on the game whenever I want to and I don’t want to give that up

There was a gif somewhere that went around after he argued that the press had nothing to do with Hillary’s loss consisting of dozens of things he wrote overhyping the email story. That was followed by another one consisting of tweets in which he thought the stories about Hillary being sick were false followed by him

He’s starting an organization with Eric Holder to fight gerrymandering and is going to work campaign finance reform so there you go.

You can cheer up by watching the Leftovers which now works as an allegory of having to live under Trump after losing Obama

Don’t forget the cliffhanger at the end where we won’t know until Fall sweeps whether we’ve started WWIII in Syria or not

Frankly, I’m still waiting for the Chekov’s gun of Trump’s 100 Days- Comey’s Russia investigation throwing half the West Wing into jail. I hate dangling plot threads

Oh, the shutdown is happening and it’ll be glorious. Watch as a President blows everything up because he wants funding to build his glorious wall! Enjoy the Republicans try and put together a short spending bill while trying to balance Trump’s ridiculous budget, his request for the Wall, tax cuts, AND the demands of

Leaders & Countries who Trump has started feuds with: Canada, Mexico, Germany, South Korea, China, Australia (that’s off the top of my head- I’m sure there’s others)

Remember how whenever he responded to a question, Obama talked very slowly with a lot of pauses in between words and it would sometimes drive you crazy because the dude took forever to say anything as he was very carefully weighing each word he said to ensure it was the exact perfect thing to say?

shown to him by Ivanka

his prison mates are going to get really tired of that story after awhile

There’s also this beauty about CNN: