
The alt-right uses “globalist” as their code for Jewish so they can claim they’re not anti-semitic when they totally are. For instance, the one’s in the Trump administration who are warring with Bannon (Jivanka and Gary Cohn) are attacked as “globalists”- the fact that they’re Jewish supposedly has nothing to do with

Of course, the super left-wing candidate was threatening to tell his voters to stay out of the election because Macron isn’t progressive enough so there’s that.

Jesus, everyone, it was a joke. I guess the lesson is to add footnotes and annotations to jokes to make sure it passes historical muster 

If it’ll make you feel better, unlike a certain country I know, all the center-right and right-wing politicians in France are urging their supporters to put away their political views to keep LePen from winning (you know, because electing xenophobic fascists with ties to Putin is not a good thing to have running a

I feel like we’ve saving Europe from fascism again by showing them by example what happens when you vote in a racist, buffoonish nationalist. And without even having to send in troops.

It’s definitely an American thing as we’ve been brain washed into thinking working super hard is the noblest of virtues (over say things like family or mental health). It’s the same sort of thinking and hat creates the belief that rich people deserve their wealth and poor people deserves their poverty.

I think you mean the KGB guest home somewhere in Moscow

Kentucky actually agreed to Medicare expansion and had a really successful health care program. Until they voted in a GOP Candidate for Governor who said not only was he going to stop it but yank health care away from those who had it. Those people are lost- go spend all that time sucking up to them and go suck up to

Oh yeah, just speaking in public right now is an act of shade throwing. Throw in the patented Obama subtweeting of his political opponents and Trump’s going to go ape shit for a few weeks.

I saw that about Ellison. Nothing says circular firing squad like going after the most popular person in your party and responsible for more actual progressive policy being enacted than anyone in about 50 years.


We’ll have to see how it goes. Bernie seems to be an incredibly stubborn man and the fact he had to do some backtracking on a few things is a sign maybe he’s learning and Perez backing out of the endorsement a sign that he got the message. There was a LOT of anger out there this past week so maybe it’s all for the

It’s that exact attitude that’s the reason we’re living thus nightmare

Except everything they’ve doing lately seems to be an apology tour to white people while completely ignoring the fact that the DRM base is increasingly made up of women and PoC. Bernie’s got the DNC shafting those voters in an attempt to win over people who have long since abandoned the party for as much cultural

I’ve never been a huge Bernie supporter but now he’s gone from mildly annoying to incredibly annoying.

Considering Wikileaks is st the heart of #Trumprussia, is this a whole other thing than that or is Comey about to start dropping bodies?

How’s the weather in Russia these days?

This is all true but they’d rather have that wall built than protect those programs. Or at least keep the programs just as long as “certain” other people don’t

It looks really bad look if you refuse to investigate somebody who’s also being investigated by just about every intelligence agent in the US and Europe

Yeah, he was probably looking foward to a fun-filled four years of making things up and investigating Hillary for. With no Hillary, he actually has to go do his job now