
Man, the deeper, darker #trumprussia sites are saying we’re moments away from both Comey and the NY Attorney General throwing EVERYONE in jail and if true...please DO IT NOW. This past weekend where we almost went to war with North Korea should have picked gotten them working double time

Yeah, that’s part of it although they’ve been picking up people who technically should be okay or who are deemed illegal because we’re dealing with 30 year old immigration laws. It doesn’t help that there doesn’t appear to be much in the way of legal representation available and there’s all these murmurings of people

It’s easier. You can just hang out all day eating doughnuts and drinking coffee and then when somebody suspicious comes along (there doesn’t seem to be any consistency in who they’re picking up), you just nab them. You don’t even have to go into an apartment complex or restaurant to do it.

So school districts around the country are trying to figure out how to keep ICE agents out of their schools because they keep on and arresting parents as THEY DROP OFF THEIR CHILDREN. And they’re working on laws to ICE away from hospitals because they arrest people there too.

Judges have been telling ICE to stop hanging out in front of their court house because they’d just hang out, drink coffee, eat some doughnuts and pop anyone who looks suspicious when they come out of the court house. Put a little bit more effort into it, there ICE agents.

The Trumpkins have already figured out a way around it, though. It’s why Devin Nunes allegedly met somebody on the “White House Grounds” and not inside the the White House because he didn’t have to sign in. Expect a lot of high level and oft shady meetings to occur on the White House basketball court or car port

As much as I’d love this to be true, Palmer Report seems to be on the breathless, crazy conspiracy side of things. Like all those so-called jouranlists who write tweet storms with elaborate theories that seem plausible enough to be true but fall apart pretty quickly.

There’s actually a lot of truth to it. His economic plan is a conservative’s wet dream (his proposed new budget was basically copied and pasted from the Heritage Foundation) but they never had the opportunity to do it. Same with his social policy (I’m guessing Pence is pretty much running the show on that one) and his

Easily the most under-appreciated, under-watched Peak TV type show she never we started saying things like Peak TV. It’s so good in every possible way

I’ve done both and binging is a lot better, especially since you don’t have to wait in between seasons

If us Lefties really want his base to desert him and sink his approval numbers with the GOP, we should suddenly pretend to love him. His approval ratings would probably drop to about 15% if we did it.

I saw that. It made me want to go to the Politico offices and smack the columnist around

to be fair, that’s only because Putin told her to say that

While Dowd isn’t a main culprit of this tragedy, she’s somewhere on the list as she’s as responsible as anyone for turning her into the caricature people think she is.

This was actually a thing...that existed

To add to your hypothesis, AP just tweeted out this:

It’s like somebody decided that the darkest timeline that we were were living in wasn’t dark enough

[kuh m-plis-it]

He was. And i’m pretty sure if Trump tried it, the Republicans would let him

There’s no way Trump cares about sports as sports are about things that have nothing to do with him and he doesn’t care about anything that has nothing to do with him