
Remember all those “Chill Democrats, Hillary’s Going to Win” articles. Or how every pollster and columnist (except Nate Silver) showed polls that consistently showed Hillary with the lead. Or every goddamn article that said “There’s no way Trump can survive (insert ridiculous thing he did here).” Or how certain types

We sort of did but but got done in by Confederate sympathizers in the government and violent uprisings by the Southerners who overturned most of Reconstruction and established fun things like Jim Crow laws in response. And, yes, if you want to draw a parallel between the backlash that came with the Civil War and

God, I was thinking about the World Series last year and how while watching it everyone was so optimistic and glad to finally have the election over and Trump vanquished back to whatever reality show exists in his own head.

That Hitler. He’s so hot now

Luckily for him he gets to keep playing because some rich Russian dudes keep in buying him chips

I do too

And they didn’t even ask the Democrats to negotiate. They didn’t even try to and built in a way they could work around the filibuster. The Dems gave every effort to get more than a few Republicans to get on board with ACA but McConnell and Boehner must have held some member’s families hostage or something because

They’re the Democratic Leaders in the House and Senate so their voice is given more play than others as it’s assumed they speak for their members. If Kristin Gillibrand or Al Franken said something (and I don’t know if they have), the press wouldn’t cover it as much.

My guess is he’s not very good at poker

Actually, reports say the big issue was abortion as the district was in a heavily religious area and the Republicans went all in on that issue. You can talk about economics and race, but cultural issues is still the biggest mountain to climb

The reality is they can’t get rid of Bannon for fear they piss off all the Nazis who make up their base.

You need at least the House to get started (well, that and Comey frogmarching the entire White House Staff out the door). Take that and may the games forever not be in Trump’s favor

I think you’re missing the point- said bigly cake was served at a place he owns and thus the important thing isn’t the action taken but the selling of his brand.

There’s always Paul Ryan.

Some people are saying that Trump did hire Eastern-European type models to attend business meetings and by business meetings I mean fuck fests thrown for potential clients and celebrities

Manafort and Trump go back to the 80's together.

about ten different variations of “wait, what?” 

“Only the best and classiest Holocaust gift shop and restaurant”

Or he just fucked up. It’s always an en easy ploy to compare something to Hitler but always dangerous to do so because you wind up going down rabbit holes like he got himself into. I mean, I understand what he was trying to say, but he just biffed it

I actually think he’d be a decent Press Spokesman under any normal GOP President. It’s just between having to defend the issues that his boss has with the demanded demeanor said boss wants him to take (and let’s not forget his boss watches everything he does), he’s sort of off lost. Nobody can have to do what he has