
Greenland’s shark jumped years ago and now spends more time defenendng Putin than anything else

I see Ivanka is already having a big influence now that she’s working in the White House

It’s been reported that the NY branch of the FBI had it in for Hillary and forced his hand by threatening to leak the story of the laptop. He still could have handled it better but it’s actually more alarming that Rudy Guiliani’s buddies (he was in on it too) basically went over Comey’s head to take her down.

“Save me Obi Wan James Comey, you’re our only hope”

I think the problem was that everytime Trump said “bomb the shit out of them,” people just heard “blah...blah...blah...blah...BUILD A WALL...blah...blah...blah” so now that he’s actually bombing the shit out at least three countries right now, everyone’s shocked that he’s doing so.

For context, they’ll have to play a video of whatever show on FOX he was watching at the time so everyone will know what he’s referring to

Just imagine the Hall of President’s in some near future where instead of quoting something which made the President famous, animatronic Trump recites some of his most well-known Tweets

And still it won’t happen. People love the idea of single payer and hear the details- especially on how it means non-white also get it- and freak out. Just like every other social program. Watch how quickly the debate turns once it’s seriously considered

But it’s more fun to think he’s sending coded messages to his family to let them know Trump’s forcing him to say all of this against his will and wants somebody to save him

He thinks Freedom means you have the choice to do something about autism or not so if you can’t afford anything to help your child with autism, then you’ve made the free choice to not do anything

I spend my money on the Human Fund

Not that I want to be that person, but people are saying that Trump’s one bit of social awareness is autism which comes from his son being autistic (you know, the one son who isn’t running either the White House or his business). His lighting up the White House blue for autism makes me wonder....

Fun fact- it’s been theorized online that Spicer wore his flag lapel upside on purpose because it’s a well-known distress signal- like a hostage blinking in morse code to let people know he’s in trouble

I think I read that a lot of Trump voters were in areas in which the presence of minorities were increasing. This may or may not be related to Trump’s overt racism but, you never know!

Fuck his base- if I read one more article about how we should understand them or a politician say “working class families” every fifth word i’m going to throw something. If WWC keep on refusing to get serious when it came voting people shouldn’t take them

He also is an adviser on foreign policy masters, Middle East peace, relations with Mexico, fighting opoid addiction, and is about to talk trade with China. So we got that going for us

lest we forget, Jared earned most of his jobs because his father was indicted for various things and sent to prison. It’s like saying that somebody hit the triple, got injured, and Jared was just put in as a pinch-runner

It should be pretty obvious by now that when people say they like him because he “appeals to people like me” and “says what he thinks” really means “not afraid to say all the openly say racist things I think”

Never forget Ivanka was one of Paris Hilton’s pals back when being a rich, drunk debutante back when that was a cool thing to be. Now she’s helping run the country