
While ivanka watches and eats a pulled pork sandwich

On my list of people I want shacked and frog-walked out of the White House, Jared is high-up on my list. Like really high. Like I might enjoy it more than Donald himself

I think the tell is when the tweets get sent. Like Trump waits for everyone to go home and go to sleep before he starts off with craziness. Last night everybody must have stayed up late so Trump never got a chance to go on a rant about Flynn

Either them or some Bernie holdouts who won’t vote for him because Debbie Wasserman Schultz or something

Somewhere out there is a bunch of Green Party voters thinking Ossof is a neo-liberal shill and refusing to vote for him

The Bushies were very smart and knew what they were doing. I don’t think Team Trump is capable of stealing something from a store let alone an election

Manafort is the key to everything. He holds all the secrets from m Trump’s from his dealings with oligarchs to the election

Rumor has it the guy who wrote the dossier wanted the dossier to be made as public as possible because he thought it would make it less likely Putin would go after him

i just popped some champagne- #russiagate is happening and it’s beautiful

And’s still more money and help given to the poor than our billionaire president has ever done

But more time for PEDS and tornados injections!

I just think a lot of people on the Left go quickly to the fascism/Hitler well a little too quickly and often. There’s nothing here that can’t be explained by plain old venality, cultural resentments, and religious nuttiness. It’s also something not particular to Trump- Reagan, HW, and W all screwed around with

If only CO2 emissions and melting polar ice caps were mentioned in the Book of Revelations.....

Let’s not go overboard here. If anything, Climate Change Denialism comes not from some fascist idealology as much as bucket loads of campaign contributions from fossil fuel lobbyists and an almost pathological knee-jerk reactionism against anything said or believed in by liberals. If the Left just suddenly decided

Theee’s definitely some sci-di element to this whole thing, like there was some temporal anamoly that occurred and we got sent into a universe where everything is the opposite. Like the episode in Star Trek where Kirk finds himself in a universe where Spock is evil and wears a goatee

In another universe, dhe’s reinforcing environmental, labor, and consumer laws through executive orders, our allies are dazzled by her mastery of issues and support, and we can all sleep better st night.

There’s no way she’s going to run again- why would she put up with that he’ll again? She’s also 0-2 in elections and I don’t see a lot of other people in the party being excited by her doing so. As for new blood, considering half the Dems in the Senate are planning on running, there’ll be plenty of it

“Carbon dioxide is actually a benefit to the world, and so were the Jews.”

But the Bill and Hillary uranium story is pure swamp fever GOP conspiracy and therefore 100% Trump