
Like everything else in the investigation, the moment somebody tries to stop something, somebody leaks something else. One way or the other, it’ll come out, whether it be by the FBI, congress (the Senate Intelligence Committee is taking the investigation a lot more seriously), or the NY Times/WaPo.

The enormity of what’s being investigated and the people involved in it blows Watergate out of the water. Watergate was awful but at least it didn’t involve foreign countries interfering in elections, financial ties to foreign Oligarch/gangsters, and the possible intertwining of both for profit

It’s simple- party over country. Having Trump linked more and more to Trump could derail all their attempts at more important things like giving tax cuts to the rich. The fact the entire Republican Party gets taken down further and further the more Trump and the Trumpkins are seen as guilty doesn’t seem to factor into

Don’t worry, if there’s anything we thing we’ve learned so far it’s that they’ll bungle the whole thing anyways.

If only “writing his auto-biography” was code for “plotting the #resistance” and his “vacation” code for “setting up government in exile”

Fuck Tim Cook, Elon Musk, and that pompous gasbag of a preening schmoe Marc Benioff, and, yeah fuck Bill Gates too. The only thing keeping this country from being utterly ruined is the utter incompetency of Trump’s government and you want to help it run better?

Since Jared’s running it, the mentality will mainly consisting of getting money and jobs from from fathers and fathers in laws.

They are indeed still paying off Mt. Davis. If there’s any city that deserves the right to tell the NFL to f off when it comes to publicly financed stadiums, it’s Oakland.

The Russia Story is the White Walkers making it to the Wall plotline. We know it’s going to happen and it’ll be spectacular but why is it taking so long?

Well, it meant that any time yelled “DNC!” they could smug and outraged over the fact they were basically being played by Putin the whole time

“Stand at attention and salute the flag as “God Bless the USA gets played on the PA”

WAit til it gets serious and the lawyers I’ll descend like locusts

The wall will never happen. Between the terrain, costs, property, and California going to war over it, it’s pretty much a dumb campaign promise that dumb people and their racist enablers think will happen. And even the racist enabler probably thinks it won’t happen but just wants to scare people

The biggest problem will be large parts of it will have to be built on somebody’s property and good luck telling cattle ranchers in Texas that the government wants to take their land

I don’t know- to me his is the face one gets when they realize their father is really going to blow up the world one day.

I kind of feel bad for Tillerson- he basically gave up running one if the biggest companies in the world to having to answer to Jared Kushner.

What kind of black hearted evil person thinks that the biggest problem facing poor people is too much food from the government?

That’s not just racist but douchey as well.

Considering how the alt-right came out of GamerGate, exactly

Bannon is what he is- your average every day Tea Party Republican who also happens to be a white nationalist anti-semitic racist. Sadly for the rest of us, instead of being a bit player in Congress like the rest of his types, he’s got some Rasputin-like relationship going on with the idiot who happens to be President