
Bannon comes off as somebody who thinks he’s way smarter than he is, somebody who made a bunch of really bad conclusions based on books he barel understood and thinks he’s a genius because of it. Also...a straight out racist

According to the Daily Beast, his origin story involved being a pot smoking Dead Head in college. So the mess our country is in right now could all be blamed on some really potent dope and too many Grateful Dead bootlegs

Jesus, how long does it take to buy some bugging devices off of Amazon, have somebody “plant them” in a phone at Trump Tower, and take a photo of it? Does Trump not have Amazon Prime?

I still think there’s a high chance the shit-burger of a health care plan somehow gets passed by congress. Spite, cowardice, and power fetishes are a pretty strong inventive to do stupid things just because

Chances Trump knew who Andrew Jackson was before Steve Bannon told him about it are probably- more like extremely- low

truth is all those poor people who you see in all those “Poor Trump voter worries about losing health care” stories will probably vote for him again despite either almost or completely taking away their health care

He’s also linked to investigations into foreign payments to Trump Enterprises AND Russian oligarchs, so.... it could be manu things or none at all

Or who give a speech at her father’s convention praising him for being such an outright supporter of women’s rights as a way to cover for him not being a very good supporter of women in general deserves all the scorn she deserves

For a tournament that nobody seems to care about and in which the league responsible for it wants to drop, the WBC looks like it’s been an incredible amount of fun

I love discussions like this because there’s not many show’s that lend itself to these types of discussions. Especially when it involves vampires

One of my few complaints about the show is how from s5 and in the show lost it’s light touch. Buffy died, she came back depressed, and then she became unlikeable in s7 because of her role. It was too much sad Buffy and not enough happy Buffy. I missed happy Buffy

Towards the end of the game I got that major Even Year Magic feeling again- it would be so Giantsy to win the series and then go on a roll to win it all (like against the Reds in 2012) but then the 2016 bullpen happened

I know Stone has been mentioned as one of the people being investigated but even good, left-wing journalists seem to be forgetting about his role. I’m not skeptical at all about the Russia story and fully believe it because there’s no way Stone could have tweeted those things without being in contact with Wiki and in

God damn Roger Stone- his tweets are pretty much the definition of smoking gun and everybody forgets about it. I mean, HE TWEETED ABOUT THE RUSSIAN HACK BEFORE IT WAS EVEN HACKED. How is this taking so long to arrest the entire administration

Hot Take- fuck Arsenal fans in all their bandwagon glory.

It’s almost like they read the Christmas Carol and think Scrooge was the victim

He also thought Loretta Lynch should recuse herself because she met with Bill Clinton on a tarmac for half an hour.

Oh for sure, Chaffetz would probably have issued her a subpoena while she was giving the Oath of Office. Now he acts pained to even have to answer questions about Trump.

Dear Jefferson Beuragard Sessions III- if you want to understand what’s so wrong with what you did, just think about how you would feel if Hillary Clinton did it.

you’re assuming most reporters have had to try and live off of “tax credits”