
I’m not a violent person either but I would love to see a video of Ryan getting punched in the face one day. Hell, if I could figure out how to do it without being arrested by about a billion cops, I’d throw the proverbial pie in his face.

Putincare might not be so bad- the russians probably have better health care than we do

but will they even know it or care? Especially now that we’re putting the hammer down on brown people

That’s a really clever way of buying off insurance companies

Tax credit makes a lot of sense if you’ve been rich all your life. Not so much if you haven’t. It also makes sense in that it’s jargon-y enough to sound impressive when it’s really just BS

Fuck you Paul Ryan

I think it’s quite more likely he’d accidently admit to making a business deal with them than if there was contact

Some day Trump will blame something on aliens and then we’ll have to spend a weekend where we’re forced into debating whether aliens were responsible. Republicans will, of course, rush to defend the President

I don’t even think that- he’s a bully who dares people to stop him and is finding it easy to do so. So far the only people who’ve had the balls to try and stop him is the intelligence community and they might not be enough

Usually, the simplest explanation describes what’s happening- Trump’a pissed off about Sessions (and Flynn) and reads something in Brietbart that claims Obama bugged him. Cue crazy tweets.

 Sessions probably thinks Gone With the Wind is too PC

I’m sure Jefferson Beuragard Sessions III will be right on that

Luckily, porn’s migration to the internet assures us that this tragedy will never happen again.

That’s entirely possible but there’s too much weirdness to this story to think it’s that harmless. There’s also a rumor going around that the FBI is sitting on transcripts of Russian officials discussing collusion with Trump so...gMe over anyways

Part of me is now wondering if obama’s seemingly calm post-election demeanor came from the knowledge that he booby trapped the place enough to know Trump wasn’t going to last a year. Dude loves the long-game

The amount of innocent people being detained should be enough to start protests.

I don’t know why this hadn’t generated the same level of protests as the Travel Ban because it’s horrific and awful. This story is horrific and awful. The arresting if people at churches and football practices and after giving press conferences is horrific and awful. The idea that we’re taking bids in the construction

Meryl Streep is about due for another oscar award

This story is phenomenal. We have a President accusing the previous President of bugging his office. Which either came from the transcripts of a talk radio show (which is nuts). Or....the discovery that the FBI had actually been doing it which means he’s been a suspect for awhile which means that gun be smoking and

Fun fact-he’s the fourth member of Trump’s cabinet to lie during their confirmation hearing. Lots of not caring about that