
It’s really weird. I mean, all Trump had to do was mention Jews in that Holocaust statement or just anything at all and Bannon could wear Nazi garb in the White (which he probably does anyways) and nobody would care. Now, everyone does

DHS is only investigating to see whether or not the people involved are undocumented.

Like Bannon’s going to let another department near his Master Race masterpiece

I actually think you’re being too soft on Trump. He’s proposing things like VOICE not because he’s politically doing it for politics because he’s doing it because he’s and his administrations are straight up racists. Oh, and apparently anti-semites (which is awesome). Trump might be doing some of this for politics but

If it makes you feel better, after every debate, the political press (the most loathesome of press people) all praised Trump for basically not assaulting Hillary in the debates. Then a few days later polls would come out saying that Hillary won the debate and everyone would forget what they said earlier and talk about

(sobs quietly in a corner while staring wistfully at my Obama mug)

That’s great and all but SAVE US OBAMA, SAVE US!!!!!!!!!! You can write your books later, WE NEED SOME HOPEY CHANGE RIGHT ABOUT NOW

It feels like years ago

Trump’s their Useful Idiot. They use him and his popularity to pass their legislation and once they get what they want (healthcare reform, tax reform, screwing poor people over), they’ll drum up a way to get rid of him. It’s far too messy to get rid of him now and he’ll destroy the party if they let him keep going

Pence is at least emotionally stable, not infatuated with “White Nationalism,” and not prone to tweeting in the middle of intelligence briefings

I’ve heard the same. Pence has been playing one very, very, very long game

This is all fine but how many if those people horrified about losing the ACA voted for the Great Orange Satan. Especially in certain Rust Belt states where there vote really did make a difference.

There’s a whole host of congressional districts in Red States in which Hillary either win or lost narrowly (like in Georgia). Start those are the places that can either be flipped or the fear of God can be placed onto the Republican

too soon

But the’ve been talking around some scandal that’s even bigger than the one before and Please....please...please be true. If not for that but just the idea that Pence, Priebu, and Bannon are leaking like crazy to get rid of each other


This immigration shit needs more publicity and attention as it’s pretty much the nightmarish thing we all thought was possible with Trump. It’s flat out horrifuc

Can we all agree that referring to the ban as a “Travel Ban” has to stop because in calling it that, it plays into Trump’s tiny hands because it seems less harmful? It’s a Muslim Ban. It is set up for the express purpose of banning Muslims. Trump has even said so. We and everybody who writes about it should just start

Old- that’s all I’m feeling right now

Trump’s for Defense, CIA, DHS, and even Tillerson at State are decent picks with good backgrounds and conventional beliefs. For the most part, they’ve been left out of the loop out of every decision. Their main jobs seem to be running around to our allies and telling them we didn’t really mean what Trump said even if