
That’s the genius of hiring a General! He can’t!

Or more like his “Nobody told me being President was hard” look

Doesn’t master- he’s just window dressing to make the Administration look sane while Bannon runs things

If Pence is the decoy busiest man in America, who would be the first? The president is, after all, golfing for the umpteenth time this month

He’ssiper sensitive to light (SUPPOSEDLY)

Bono sucked up to such types as Jesse Helms and W. in hopes they’s support funding AIDS relief in Africa(to some actual success). If he feels like he has to suck up to the Orange One than he will.


Take it with a grain of salt but one of those twitter feeds supposedly set up by disgruntled staffers said that his aides managed to take his phone away and thus his ability to tweet for the umpteenth time but wore down his aides enough that they gave it back to him a few days ago (possibly in exchange for firing

These stories are bullshit. Plain and simple bullshit. It’s like the media has been so addicted to Clinton drama that with both of them gone and out of the eye (in large part because of how badly they treated them), they have to go make up stuff to keep them in the news.

Shouldn’t the German team be playing this song for us?

The scariest part of that paragraph is that he hired somebody from NewsMax into his organization.

Maybe we should start up a GoFundMe account?

Hot Take- Shanahan was in one of those “damned if you do, damned if you don’t” type scenarios in that throwing the ball in those type scenarios is what got them to the Super Bowl to begin with. If Freeman makes the block, the Falcons win the game (assuming they make the field goal).

Which makes his decision even more spineless

It’s almost a more powerful message in doing it via video- she’s now a phantom like reminder to Trump that she won the popular vote and a not-so-subtle message to her supporters that she’s part of the #resistance too.

I dunno, maybe he looks at Obama and thinks he wants some of that? I mean Obama’s supporters (ie us) LOVE HIM. That includes celebrities, sports figures, and other world leaders. The guy is probably the most beloved person on the face of the earth right now and who wouldn’t want that?

I’d actually prefer the administration to remain incompetent as almost everything they’ve done has gone comically wrong. If they ever get their act together, we’re fucked.

There’s a lot to that. If only we knew what his Rosebud was

The scariest part to that article, though, is that there’s some self-awareness of what’s going on and that Preibus has wrestled control from Bannon in the White House and is now trying to set up a more traditional and organized White House.

The article felt kind of Shakespearean- dude wants nothing more than love and respect, so much so he runs for President thinking that it’ll be the sure-fire way he’ll get love and respect. But upon becoming President, he finds himself neither loved or respected and is instead mainly alone, by himself, watching Cable