
Wonder how many of those people will be coming back? I’d imagine a lot if people are thinking now they might want to go to another place tgat’s less openly trying to deport them?

In an election that close, there’s about a billion things that caused the result and there’s not one single thing that explains it (although you can begin it with Comey and end it with Comey). It also is true that with about 80,000 more votes in Rust Belt states, we wouldn’t be having this discussion anyways.

I just read today that when not paranoid about a war with Islam, he is also paranoid about a war with China.

In weird way, she’s gained stature by losing than by winning. Now she’s a Martyr to the cause, the loser who handled defeat with class, the woman who lost only because the FBI and Russia did her in, and the woman who handled everything Trump threw at her and still won a majority of the vote.

Thank you for reminding me why the Left always loses elections and now has to go out to airports in order to keep innocent immigrants with green cards from being hauled away.

Or s former President as a great African American leader

My understanding of the poll is that if you change the wording, the support changes. So, if you add the word “Trump” to the poll, it polls higher because Republicans immediately support it without question.

The thing about Tillerson is that he’s actually one of the saner nominees and as we’ve reached that point where sanity is not real disqualifier in this administration, anyone who’s sane is not a terrible choice

MN’s House of Rep is busy trying to undo how the state’s electoral votes are divvied up making it so that if a Democrat wins, they’ll get less electoral votes than they in the current system. This makes it entirely possible for, say, Hillary to win the state but get maybe a vote or two more than Trump.

Every day I tell myself I’m not going to read the news and need to read more books, bingewatch some more TV shows or finish the pile of magazines I haven’t touched since the election. But every day, like a junkie, I do a deep dive of news sites and twitter feeds because I can’t help myself. For the past few weeks, I

If you read the tea leaves, most of the White House staff and Congress think this is lunacy and his staff has spent weeks telling him not to do this but in the end, Trump does what he wants.

Funny, enough, the CIA is actively researching Global Warming and considers it a real threat. As does the Defense Department and Military.

No, it’s fine. Totally fine.

San Francisco has already planned out a budget in case they lose funding for being a sanctuary city. Which is awesome except it’ll cut funding to a lot if other things.

Exactly. He’s even talked about being a more ceremonial President and had essentially handed over his foreign policy to Kelly and Bannon and his domestic policy to Pence and Bannon. The only thing he probably cares about is having everyone have to listen to him and getting getting revenge on the long list of people he

Every goddamn Democrat and every goddamn Democratic “spokesperson” has to say “he lost the popular vote” everytime somebody opens up about Trump’s victory to remind people of how flukish his victory was. If anything, it’ll just piss him off more which is half the fun of it.

Sadly, people have been saying that Trump will quit since the start of the primaries and he’s still with us. I think they’ll have to forcibly remove him because leaving his ego won’t stand for it

Anonymous said they’re after the tax returns too but I don’t know seem to be as successful at this stuff as Wikileaks is.

That’s the least of his problems- the tax returns will probably show all the hinky deals he’s done with shady Russian oligarchs/mobsters. Russians have been keeping him financially afloat for years and not in the most up and up manner

Here’s the problem with that. The Democrats could take control of congress, the Senate, and get someone elected and it’ll take years, maybe even decades to undo the hell the Republicans are ready to unleash.