
I’d be very okay with Franken if he decided to run

I’ve heard it said that Obama’s greatest strength was his optimism in the American people and his greatest weakness was his optimism in the American people

They have lots, actually. Just look at who’s trying their hardest to grill Trump’s nominees this week. There’s Sanders and Warren. Corey Booker’s been running for 2020 since he was a baby. Kristin Gillibrand’s been pretty great on women’s issues and is already talking to some of Hillary’s people and NY Governor Andrew

For me it’s like our dad is going away for a very, very, very long trip and there’s nobody left to take care of us

My take on “we didn’t deserve him” is that throughout his Presidency, he expressed a deep hope and belief that Americans would work towards the better angels of our nature and come together to make the country and world a better place. We did not. And since he spent eight years constantly trying to appeal to those

He HAS been passing all sorts of regulations and executive orders to prop up what he can and almost every speech or inteview he’s given over the past few months were directly aimed at Trump and were calls for action, but buried deep behind his Hopey Obama exterior. Just like this press conference.

It’s not even that high- Gallup has him at 37%

And you just know Trump will say up until his death bed that he had the greatest inauguration ever with the highest attendance and the biggest stars

Awaiting a strong condemnation from Paul Ryan and other Republicans in three...two...hello? Hello?

Once again, when the chips are down, so-called moderate and “thoughtful” Republicans turn chicken shit the moment when things get tough

It win’t even be a close vote- since ge’s already a Senatir, he’s a Made Man and even if he got caught burning a cross (and who knows, he could have), his buddies won’t vote against him

Honestly, when I first read the headline I thought John Kerry was apologizing to LGBTQ employees for what is about to happen to them

The obvious answer is “He Who Shall Not Be Named”

how else would she be able to sell her jewelry and lifestyle products?

His state dinners should be fewer and even further in between, his White House lawn easter egg hunts, his turkey pardons, etc...non-existent. Every photo-op visit to a hospital or a military base or a factory should be met with open protest.

True, he’ll never have to say the words “President Donald Trump” in front of large groups of people

Is there a scene in The Crown where Queen Elizabeth drinks wine as she blows up Westminster Abbey with all of her political opponents in it? If it didn’t, Game of Thrones still for the win

Puts a whole new twist on the phrase “Whiteslpaining”

I hate that at least twice a day over the past few weeks or so, something in the news has makes me say “Jesus Fucking Christ.” This story made me say “Jesus Fucking Christ”

This isn’t even one of the worst things she’s done. She has also: