
Honestly, i’m not sure there’s a game that could beat him because nobody’s been able to beat him at anything yet- not Hillary, not the GOP, not the intelligence community, and certainly not the press. He’s a giant orange Godzilla stomping over everything in sight

It’s not stuff they have on him as much as how much money Russia and shady (and we’re talking super shady) pro-Putin oligarchs have given Trump and how it’s the only thing that keeps his business alive.

The NY Times, apparently, really missed writing about her and emails

Somebody had to hold things together while the other actress’s were diva’ing it up

So basically this is just like Charmed except without the characters, the backstory, and the actresses.

Holly Marie Combs totally carried that show

Ryan knows better while Trump doesn’t and Ryan’s totally okay with that. He’d be totally okay if Trump sells the country to Putin for a few billion and the ability to rename the country “Trump Land” just as long as he can get his precious tax cuts and gutting of the Great Society

And who doesn’t think it’s hatred because Ayn Rand said it’s not

This might be wrong but as much as I hate Trump, I hate Paul Ryan even more. Trump’s dangerous but a buffoon, Ryan fully means what he says while not being aware of what a douchebag he is

No thanks to Joe Buck hacking Bud Selig’s computer and releasing the files to Baseball Prospectus

and being black

Remember how freaked out and pissed off they were at Obama for not doing anything about the election? And even more pissed off at his refusal to give a scalding take on the Trump presidency? Very slowly, rule by rule, Barry’s been locking things in, laying little traps, and subtly getting under the Donald’s skin

Rural CA is made up of a lot of the Okies who came over during the Depression (see your general John Steinbeck novel) so they’re more conserative culturally than those on the coastal places who are made up of a lot more transplants escaping from other places. But, yes, parts of California are straight out of Methland

And don’t forget how us Coastal Elites will always be accused of being nothing but “Coastal Elites” and thus not True Americans despite the fact SF or NY or LA is way more represenative of America today than Ohio or Iowa will ever be.

Sorry, but the longing for a California of the 70's and 80's (and 70's California was pretty much as good as things could be) is part of the problem with the state right now. I live in SF and love how you could walk from neighborhood to neighborhood and all that but I also realize now that the reason why that is is

We just got forcefed a billion stories about the glories of the Red States and how us Coastal Elites have to understand and sympathize with the people there so allow us Californians a few articles or two reminding people why we long left those crappy places because for the most part, they are crappy places full of

Subsidizied doggy day care is for neo-liberal corporatist sellouts

Part of the problem is that most of the Dems who the press turn to are the senior citizen-types. There are plenty of younger Dems out there waiting to grab the spotlight that we don’t know about yet.

We’re even closer to Der Fuhrer’s Fries where girls in skimpy SS outfits feed you burgers and fries in a restaurant decorated like a bunker

That’s in part because Republicans don’t have to spend most of their time trying to determine if they artisanal sandwiches or non-artisanal or gluten free or GMO versus non-GMO foods