
There’s a poll going around that says that Vladimir Putin’s favorable ratings with Republicans have been steadily increasing this summer and are at a new high right now. Whomever’s left in Al Qeda is probably wishing Bin Laden targeted the DNC headquarters instead of the Twin Towers because not only would the US not

Best case scenario: the story lingers around, Trump’s poll numbers dive to even more to toxic levels because of it, and the Republican Party decide to cut their losses by moving away from him and his positions (maybe even impeach him to insert Pence). Maybe even a disgusted group of citizens will take out their anger

That sound you don’t hear is the Republican Party giving a crap, followed by the sound of the press rushing off to the next story that may or may not involve a celebrity meeting with Trump

His smug “I told you so” victory tour has been really annoying. Hillary lost not because she wasn’t him but for dozens of reasons that have nothing to do with his message

Onama’s given several speeches and comments that criticized Trump without calling him out by name. I expect him to keep doing that. He and Holder are also going to spend a lot of time working in voting rights issues which is pretty big in it’s way.

It’s like they spent the past years sacrifing themselves to make sure we had a bright future and we decided to go on a meth binge instead.

Yes. I mean, it was only a matter of time before he became a believer in Alex Jones ‘ conspiracy theories

Or....Softbank apparently came through not because Trump was playing the Art of the Deal but because the Japanese businessmen came in, kissed his ass while praising him and sealed the deal. Not because it was a good deal but because they flattered him so much he agreed to it because he’s a fifth grader who likes it

Fun fact- Kanye supposedly said “look up #pizzagate” in one of his pre-hospitalization rants so there’s your connection right there. Maybe he just wanted to talk to Michael Flynn?

It’s not really going to matter much anyways, but it’s worth it just because it’s just another sign that some people aren’t going to sit still about Cheetolini becoming President. It’s another “norm” that’s being destroyed but this time for a good reason.

The “Ivanka is totally a liberal and will talk her dad off the ledge” train left months ago, right around the time her husband decided that being Goebbels was a decent career option. We should just start calling her Eva and be done with it

Paul Ryan would pull the trigger himself if he thought it would help him gut medicare any quicker than he already wants to

You can never underestimate Conservative’s knee-jerk belief that all and every environmental advocate is either a dirty hippie or “smug” Al Gore.

Good to see his “boy giving an oral report on a book he never read” pose during the campaign is going to continue into his Presidency

That’s one the hopes that I cling to in the dead of night- global warming is considered a fact by way too many governmental agencies (as well as pretty much every other country in the world) to let him burn everything down.

Lol, that would mean the press would have to put some effort into their jobs

Is that you Susan Sarandon?

You mean like all those people who complain loudly about “why congress isn’t able to do anything?” and then vote for the very same people who are the reason why congress can’t do anything?

When you break down the amount of things that were aligned against her, there’s something impressive about her and her campaign. It’s one thing to know you’re up against Cheeto Hitler but him on top of Putin, rogue factions of the FBI, and racism/sexism is a whole other level of difficulty

By everyone’s accounts, Comey’s letter cost Hillary the election as enough people decided to vote against her at the last moment to make her lose. No, Comey’s letter had nothing to do with the hacking (although Comey’s actions during this whole period involving this and the hacking are just as fucked up with