
From the very same people who brought you Ben Carson as head of HUD just because he’s black

Got to hurt a little to know you didn’t get the position you wanted because you just weren’t racist enough

Oh, I think a reckoning’s gonna come soon enough (or so I say to keep myself from holing myself up in an attic to hide from the Alt-Right. A Trump supporter is not a Ryan supporter- I don’t know how much of the Trump crowd thought voting for Trump would mean cutting Medicare and social security. Prople voted for him

They need money too- one of the ways the GOP is able to do what it does is because guys like Koch don’t just spend money on candidates who will support their issues but campaigns on those issues. Places like WI or MI are what they are because Koch et all bought the government and used them to push through what they

Democrats natural stance when bad things happen to is to crawl into a ball and whimper and this was all part of it

I don’t understand why going full Tea Party is priority #1 for the left. We don’t even have to come up with crazy things to say- just using logic and facts comes off as crazy to half the country

McCarthy? Think about St Ronnie? He’: probably wondering if that while tearing down the wall was such a good thing right now

I highly doubt Trump could make the trains on run time but he would be able to picket millions of dollars while failing to do so

The NFL would figure out a way to turn it into a marketing/sponsorship deal (Glock: The Official Semi-Automatic Weapon of the NFL) and leave the players on their own

one of the rumors is that this leak comes from the State Department as counter strike against Trump. Partly because they’re horrified and partly because the FBI (under Comey) didn’t think any of this was a big deal

The issue isn’t Trump’s minions, it’s all the people who voted for him who might not have voted for him if things broke another way, like if the endless grind of Wikileaks stories about Hillary’s campaign hadn’t poisoned some of the air around her . Those are the people who might not have voted for Trump and

What he did would have come out looking better if Comey didn’t do the exact opposite of what Obama did a few weeks later. I mean, Comey even argued against releasing the possible hacking because it would have come off as partisan and then motherfucker DOES THE EXACT OPPOSITE

Gen. Michael Flynn is pretty much straight out of Dr. Strangelove.

“Hipster” Neo-Nazis deserve everything that is the opposite of love. Things like scorn, hatred, and guilt-free fantasies of awful things happening to every single one of them

You just know Kellyanne Conway is waiting to spill her guts the moment she gets the chance

Meh, this is Washington. Chances are somebody’s going to leak all this info to Politico in a month are two are pretty high

Honestly? This NDA thing is not a hill it’s worth dying over. I mean, yeah, it shows a lack of transperecy but compared to still not seeing Trump’s tax returns, this is nothing.

LOL. That’s because it’s about another phony Clinton sex acandals. Get your phony Clinton sex scandals straight

Actually, considering the stuff his father has said, he might not even be the worst Flynn

That poor campaign and poor candidate was about 90,000 votes from a decisive victory. Just saying that without a Trump one in a million bank shot, we wouldn’t be having this conversation