
“I survived 2017 and all I got was all my benefits and healthcare taken away”

Sadly, it’s not going to cover the lawyer fees that will descend like Dementors once this gets close to happening

Considering Putn’s stated goal is to delegitimize Western Democratic countries by making elections come off as fixed and fraudulent, her becoming BFFs with Putin makes me kinda suspicious

Something that should have been obvious if you spent a few seconds to compare the candidates

Fuck Jill Stein. If she really wanted to keep Trump out of the White House, she could have, oh, I don’t know, not run.

They didn’t pick Trump- he just beat the crap out of all the establishment candidate in somewhat of a fluky primary. The GOP establishment didn’t have the balls to take him down then and then just shut the hell up in hopes he could somehow win and let them do all the awful things they’ve always dreamed about.

Don’t forget iZombie! The cultiest cult show that’s yet to become a cult show

The two Nate’s respond here:

It was decided by James Comey

As a Californian, I love the fact my state has less say in Presidential election than a bunch of racist derpy-derps in places like Kansas and Alabama. California gives a lot more money to the government than it takes in too so not only do we have less say in what goes on in our government, we’re basically helping to

The whole “Lock Her Up” thing was a crowd pleaser so he stuck with it. Those conservatives sure hate Hillary. And out of all the promises he’s backed out of since winning, that’s the only one that’s riled up his supporters.

My umbrage is more towards Comey and the media that’s just now getting around to exploring all of the various conflicts of interests Trump might have and how little he cares about any of that

No, definitely not a Trumpkin- I even supported Hillary in the primaries.

Considering there’s really not much evidence that there was fraud, I just think it’s better use of time and energy in preparing for the Hurricane than hoping for some magical solution that’ll stop the the Hurricane, that’s all. I’m just really skeptical there’s anything there and worried what would happen if it

One of the things Gore did wrong was concede the election (or at least called W and congratuled him on the win, something he did in part because the networks called the election over way too early) the night of the election and then change his mind hours later when it looked like something was wrong in Florida. A lot

Every analysis of the story by pollsters and wonks don’t think there’s any validity to it, even to the point of comparing it to the NC Governor’s race. The weird stuff with counties, as I read it, was consistent with what happened in similar counties and the swing between people who voted for Obama twice but didn’t

The MoJo article is a trick but the conclusion at the end (or as I read it) is that there wasn’t enough evidence to think it cost Kerry Ohio. Keep in mind too, he lost by over 3 million votes so if he won Ohio and thus won the election, it wouldn’t be fair in the same way it’s unfair that Hillary probably getting 2.5

Bernie lost, get over it.

If I do a Google search, I can find any number of sites, a lot more legit than that one, that says it wasn’t stolen:

Contesting a close election by claiming fraud is one of those precedents we pretend to like to adhere to. It’s one of the reasons why Trump got a lot of crap when he said he might refuse to concede. And then doing so only to find out that...oops...there was no fraud is even worse because you’ve broken precedent over