
Granted I saw this on Facebook, but I heard the DoJ can’t do anything about it. Calling Chaffetz (or better yet, you’re closest Dem legislator) will probably be more effective

Fun fact- Chaffetz has already said he’s going to do some more investigating of Hillary’s emails

Playing “if this were” any other country than the US is a fun game because if stuff like this happened anywhere else, everybody would think it’s messed up. But for some reason, a lot of people don’t think that way.

People who’ve looked into the numbers in Wisconsin think voter intimidation definitely was a factor and might have changed the vote. Don’t know about PA, MI or Ohio, though.

Gore had other options after Bush v Gore that he could have pursued, including other law suits, but decided to concede afterwards because of the whole “best interests of the nation” thing and didn’t want to keep on dragging the election out any further than it had already did

The two Nate’s (Nate Silver and Nate Cohn) are pretty sure there’s nothing to it and even the people who proposed the idea of a recount say they don’t know for sure.

Sadly, I don’t think there’s anything to it so I don’t think it would be worth it. As they say- if you come at the king, you best come correct.

Of course President High Minded would say that, what with all that sense of decency and integrity. Where has that ever gotten anyone?

Just like Gore in 2000 and Kerry 2004 (when there was talk about Ohio’s vote tallies being wonky), Hillary won’t do anything because of “the best interests of the nation.” Sucks being a member of a political party that actually has values about things

While I think this is a reach, this election and this year has been so batshit insane that it turning out that Hillary actually won and her being sworn in as President wouldn’t strike me as that big of a surprise.

I feel like some of the people who are part of the movement sincerely believe in all of their various awful ideologies. I also think a bunch of them (like the kids who went to the conference everyone’s referring to) are a bunch of antisocial losers who are doing it for the LOLZ. Like since people keep on telling them

As a Jew, I want them tagged with whatever ridiculous, humiliating name possible as befitting them. Anything to make all the Reddit types who think this is hip and cool to not think it’s so hip and cool.

I’m eagerly awaiting the endless amount of columns soon to come out telling us how we have to empathize with the Alt-Right because of their socio-economic status

Thanks Trump

Fuck this noise. Clinton win the popular vote and lost the Rust Belt by small enough numbers it’s probable Walker’s voter suotessuin worked. Clinton might have won too if it wasn’t for Comey and then there’s also Wikileaks and Moldavian or whatever meme farms. As per usual, the Left is starting their circular firing

I’m actually hoping for the opposite, that Trump stays in but spends so much time being in a pissing contest with Congressional Republicans and spinning the daily noxious spewage I’m sure will still seep out that nothing happens over the next four years.

True, but we’re talking massive programs that have been gutted and destroyed by the GOP and ones that work to several huge industries advantage. You can’t just vote to bring it back and have it happen- you might get something but not all of it. I mean, look at how hard it was to get friggin’ health care in this

Maybe it’all be a fun thing as all of his supporters might have finally figured out they were being conned and wind up rioting?

I don’t think they’ll come back- once broken I think Humpty Dumpty’s just done. It’ll take a miracle to get enough Dems elected to put those policies back in place. The GOP has spent decades dreaming of this moment and they fully intend to scorch the earth. Fight now before it’s too late

What about Darlington Nagbe? He looked awesome when I’ve seen him but he seems to be one of those people JK has a blind spot about and doesn’t know he exists