
You know why us so-called elitists are pissed at those poor, poor Rust Belt voters we’ve been told a billion times to be sympathetic about? Because we knew this stuff like this was going to happen because it was pretty obvious it was. Poor & white is no excuse for being stupid

As long as he allows Ryan to pass his economic plans and gives the Republicans a seat or two in the Supreme Court, a sex tape could come out of him having a three way with Ivanka and Putin and the Republicans wouldn’t give a shit

I thought Trump was going to make America great again?

Thanks Trump!

Jokes on her- it’ll be the slashing of Medicare and Medicaid that will probably do her in faster than the Nazis will

It is easier to brainstorm uniform ideas than putting together a good team

How hard is it for a franchise to settle on a uniform, let alone team colors?

I work at a predominantly Asian Elementary school and working there is keeping me sane. The kids know something bad happened and that they’re parents are sad but none of that matters compared to a big game of kickball. Screaming, laughing children makes anything a bit better

I kjust NRA think they all should go by the age 70 st least or boot anyone out who still thinks AOL is a thing

Term Limits are also awful and dumb. It’s one if the reasons why California is almost ungovernable- being experienced at your job is actually a good thing

I dunno. I don’t think Hillary’s calling attention to all the ghoulish racists that glommed onto Trump like lemmings would have made a difference. Considering the vote could be seen as a white backlash against multiculturalism/cosmopolitan values I don’t think voters would have cared. Racism and sexism was already

Yeah, WTF. In this election, the American people decided to affect change by not only voting in most incumbents, but voting for the party most reponsible for being the ones who caused the desire for change

But like John McCain just to got re-elected at the age of 80. He’s been in the Senate for God knows how long and is mostly known these days for personal grudges and biting his tongue on any issue not related to bombing things. If you think he should be replaced by somebody who at least has experience with computers,

She walked back the number, yes, but the press were still all aflutter that she even brought race into the campaign- you can say racist things but you can’t actually accuse anyone of being it.. Don’t you know it was all about economic security?

He actually said during the campaign that he didn’t want to touch that stuff which was considered a big deal because it would have been a huge paradigm shift for Republicans. Guess that went out the crapper.

LOL- like the Left will ever actually come out and vote in a midterm election. They barely came out for a Presidential election

The thing about term limits is that if you think somwbody’s been in office for too long, you could always, I dunno, vote them out.

Can’t eat, sleep, and have trouble talking to anyone. I thought about watching something like Parks &Rec or 30 Rock to try and cheer myself up but I don’t find anything’s funny right now

Hillary and the DNC did try and call Trump out- remember the whole Drplorables thing? It’s just that the (mostly white male) press ignored her first few subjects on the matter and spent the rest of the time in high tizzy that a politician had the temerity to bring race into a political contest.

That’s a halfway decent point. As is the fact Trump runs on dominance and humiliation so it might just be he spends a lot of time trying to show who the Alpha Male in the party is and just shit on everyone in congress. I’m just working on the assumption that one of the ways Trump got the GOPers to fall in line behind