
So I almost, sort of, came to terms with it and then had a vision of him meeting foreign leaders as the representative of my country and I just want to go on a four year bender.

The optimist in me thinks he spends his next two years fighting with Paul Ryan and the American public sobers up and votes them all out by 2018.

I don’t know why people say this when she appeared on stage with him several times during the campaign. It’s not like she sent a bunch of ninjas after him and kidnapped him to some Central American country.

I’m pretty sure that’s not what she said but I’m also pretty sure you’re a 17 year old kid in Moscow dicking around

The saddest part is he’s one of the few voices with the balls to say that on TV. The inability of the press to even address the “r” word or even care about the effect Trump’s election could have on minorities, immigrants, People of Color, etc. is one of the biggest crimes they’re responsible for this election

There’s a reason us grumbly old dudes kept on telling people not to vote for Jill Stein or Gary Johnson.

RIP World’s Greatest Democracy

If you start tallying up the Johnson/Stein votes in all of the Battleground States, why, you might just have Hillary giving her victory speech right now.

W. didn’t have control of the House and the Senate. Once Trump steps into office, he can do anything he wants, or at least anything Paul Ryan wants. Goodbye any dint of progressive legislation, goodbye Obamacare and everything Obama’s accomplished, goodbye social welfare system, goodbye caring about Global Warming,

Oh, I also forgot Global Warming policy. Poof! Gone! The Republicans won’t even have to bring in snow balls anymore to prove anything

People did show, they just showed up for Trump. It doesn’t help either that FL and NC have had ridiculous voting measures to keep PoC from voting

48 year old who’s survived Reagan, HW, and W. This is even worse. Way worse than all of them combined

That’s what scares me the most. Ryan’s already declared that Obamacare is going to be repealed and he’ll push through bills basically gutting what’s left of our social safety net. PLUS, they get to decide who goes on the Supreme Court.

The truth is nobody right now knows what happened. As of this morning, all the polls showed her winning and a lot of the places she’s losing went to Obama. The only thing people can figure is they underestimated Trump’s appeal but the reality is nobody knows what happened and it’ll take awhile to figure out

Considering his IDGAF mode, I’m still waiting for him to walk out to “I’m Black And I’m Proud.”

I hope he tries to go but a bridge shutdown causes such a traffic jam that he can’t make it

Few things about the early numbers to make you feel better

That whole thing was Peak NFL- total ineptitude on part of a player followed by five minutes of refs debating the call

It’s quite possible rhey’ve been posted by a bunch of Russians doing their best to help their glorious leader elect a glorious leader for us

somewhere out there on Fox, - male pundit is discussing how she faked her reactions and practiced for hours to make it look real