
He almost flubbed it too. Him throwing the ball away or not getting the out would have made something epic into something epicer

I was already there before the playoffs started

Yeah, all things considering, Francona did an excellent job.

Rain Delay > No Rain Delay

I also think Francona shouldn’t have let Kubler start three games in the Series and it looks like he was tired too. You can only have a pitcher pitch that much in a series unless they’re Bumgarner.

Fucker turned down a better offer from the Giants to sign with the Cubs just so he could be part of the team that breaks the Curse. That’ll show him

ESPN is probably too busy debating backup QBs in the NFL to care

It certainly ranks as one of the greatest baseball games ever played and if you throw in all the context involving the teams, maybe the best baseball game ever

It’s easy to get annoyed at baseball- the length of games, the length of the season, the Rockies’ existence- but after a game like tonight it’s hard not to remember why you love the game. There’s no sport that quite mixes craziness with epicness like baseball can.

It was almost like both managers were so out to prove that you should use your best relief pitchers in the middle innings that they pulled their starting pitchers too early and used their best relievers too much.

He got lucky Francona fucked up even harder by leaving Bryan Shaw in way too long

That was one of the most Cleveland losses in the history of Cleveland losses

It may be the WS but it’s also the end of a long, long season and a long, very stressful playoff run. I’m not saying he’s affected by any of this but sometimes players, especially pitchers, don’t has as much gas in the tank as they would in say June or July

When he pitched against the Giants, I felt that the Giants could have gotten to him if they sat back and let him make a mistake as most of what he was throwing were borderline strikes. Of course, it’s not as easy to make that call when the pitch is around 102 MPH

Oh, no, there’s at least one more thing awaiting Cleveland. We all know if Cleveland loses, it’s going to be due to some horrific moment that may or may not involve John Elway

Yeah, I have a feeling Kubler’s going to get hit pretty hard or at least semi-hard tomorrow. It’s not just the wear on his arm but that the Cubs will have seen him three times this series

Not to mention scientific evidence Trump has larger than normal sized hands

Donald Trump’s tax returns?

Fucking Whitewater. Fuck the color and Ken Starr too

Supposedly the FBI has turned into our Facebook feed where half the department wants to stay out of things and the other half thinks Sean Hannity runs the department