
that’s one of the things. The hacks are very conspicuously aimed at the DNC and not the RNC. Assange has said he prefers Trump over Hillary and the emails have mostly come from Russian hackers backed by Putin and it’s a little troubling. This thing doesn’t come off as indiscriminate but an attempt by outside actors to

Having watched a lot of AHS, I can safely say that the promos are usually around two to three times better than the actual show

they’re wearing glow in the dark shirts so when the lights go down everybody can see who the assholes are

I’m sorry- are former Republicans who are disavowing their party to say they’re voting for Hillary against proper rules of progressive purity?

Fun game of the night- what totally obnoxious things will the Bernie Diehards pull tonight? Booing? Signs? Farting (which was actually mentioned once as a political stunt)?

Not even Ivanka had any good stories to tell about him and you’d figure she’d be the one most likely too, what with him spending most of her adult life trying to have sex with her

even Trump’s family couldn’t come up with anecdotes about what a great father he is. Meanwhile, Billy basically gave a 40 minute speech that read like a love letter and every other single speaker- from Sanders on down to Kaine- talked about what’s so admirable about Hillary and why she’d make a good President. And

Problem is Hillary’s not a great speaker but has given a few good speeches when possible (the night she officially won the primary was a really good speech) but she’s following two of the best speakers ever- Bill and Obama both at the top of their game- as well as Michelle’s for the ages speech and the Uncle Joe and

I was meh on his nomination but he’s grown on me. Not only was he a lot of fun last night in a Cool Dady kind of way, but his resume as it were is really great. Dude’s done a lot of really, really good things in his life

I’m hearing “Cool Dad” thrown around a lot. I like it. he does seem like he’d be a cool dad too

I feel like everyone in that 10% does nothing all day but post on Gawker

Except Bernie himself said that he’s endorsing Hillary and that he wants to stop Trump and is trying to tell his supporters to do what he’s asking them to do. And for this, the man who created the movement is getting booed.Doesn’t that strike you as a little messed up?

It’s what happens when you rile a bunch of people up, feed into their anger and hostility, and sit back and pretend things aren’t getting a wee tad out of control. Bernie sort of created a monster and now it’s after him too

I think you missed the part that most of the emails were after the election was effectively over and thus don’t really show much of anything. Which they didn’t anyways but that’s another subject

It still is a very, very bad look. Besides the fact the press will start in with the “Dems in Chaos” storyline (HufPo already has that headline up) but it’s further signs that the circular firing squad is in full effect.

Can Joss just do something original? Does everything have to be connected to Marvel or DC? He’s pretty good at doing his own stuff too.

Frankly, considering elements of both parties seem to obsessed with purity tests, it’s kind of quaint to have a politician who’s a little here and a little there.

Always remember Brexit polls before the vote said it eiuldn’t pass. Or that Sanders would get this far. Or Trump wasn’t supposed to get this far. In other words, this election is too big to duck around

Numbers matter. The bigger the victory, the less chance the Republicans will try something like this again. In fact, if it’s q blowout, the greater chance that the GOP implodes. This election isn’t just about Tumo, it’s about curb stomping Republicans

Texas is said to be in play and Hillary has talked about going for it, which, Sweet Jesus would make my heart tingle so hard