
I didn’t like the pick at first either and started to get that “damnit Hillary” feeling but he seems like a really good guy with a lot of experience and people from Virginia rave about him so i’m in

Oy, and there’s Lieberman who was mainly picked because he was the anti-Clinton and then fucked over Gore during the Florida recount. God, that guy is awful

That’s fine- he’s the only one who can get the dimwitted Bernie supporters who plan to vote for Stein or “Nobody” to realize just how dumb they are so let him go at it.

You mean the guy with the semi-Messianic quality and peevish personality who was well-known for being anti-social and kind of a dick by most everyone he’s worked with? That guy would play 2nd banana?

I know he’s going to get a big speech at the convention and the Dude deserves it but I bet Clinton’s going to have sniper rifles ready if he even pulls anything close to what Cruz did

He’s got a 100% approval rating by NARAL and the president of NARAL just endorsed him.

most Catholic politicians (including Joe Biden) say the same thing. And it is possible to be personally against abortion but still be able to let other people make their own choice about it. Thus, the whole “choice” part of “pro-choice”

He’s to the center on some issues, the left on others- pretty much like every other (sane) politician out there

You mean she didn’t pick somebody who’s been known to her since the 90's, has a good track record as a Mayor/Governor/Senator and is fairly similar in views due to her own volition but did see because of some secret conspiracy set up by the DNC?

There is no reality in the world in which Sanders would have been asked to be VP. Do you really think he’d play a good soldier, back up Hillary in public every time he’s asked and spend most of his times doing state occasions Obama’s too busy for?

So, that means first woman to be the nominee doesn’t count for anything? I must have missed the announcement where that’s not a big deal

NY Mag is reporting Hillary pulled a fast one on the media and leaked the info about her VP announcement to get them to stop talking about Trump for a second and focus in on a campaign stop where she took most of her time responding to Trump’s Hitler Cosplay. If so, well played, Hills, well played.

What about Baroof Opawma?

I have a feeling something’s going on as it makes sense to make such a big announcement on what would be 7:00 EST because there’s nobody around to pay attention. Maybe she still can’t make up her mind or was going with Kaine until somebody pointed out that literally nobody would be excited about it?

I’ve seen other blogs half-jokingly rooting for Michelle

Obama did it too and I suspect Romney did it with Ryan as well (I know Obama did it in 2008 because I got the text saying it was Biden)

I’m torn on Booker too because he just seems to eager to get publicity for himself. It often comes off not necessarily as desperate but that he’s trying a little too hard and might be more concerned with publicity than actual governing

ESPECIALLY when it’s been a suspicion of many that Trump’s entire campaign was built around building his brand. Something made more obvious because of all the peddling of his various Trump related products

Shoot, I’m having trouble finding those sites that aren’t non-right sources right now so I’m going to have to rescind my comment. Also, the more I read about him, the more I like him.

I like Perez too but he doesn’t have much experience and is under investigation for sending campaign emails from his work computer and the last thing Hillary wants right now is for her VP to also be associated with the words “ethics” and “email”