
God damnit, my family was done in by the Cossacks. What am I supposed to do?

And get a $10 million dollar a year raise in doing so

those making less than $30,000 believed the sport more dangerous than those making $30,000 to $100,000. It seems the white, middle-income parent with some college education is the most likely to let their child play tackle football.

I think it’ possible that it’s both things going on- Sanders is trying to create a progressive movement on his own and DWS is a fairly good candidate to start picking off. On the other hand, it reeks of pettiness. There was a lot of admirable qualities to Bernie’s campaign but as it increasingly looked like he was

I remember when I was a kid, they used to have seats with TV’s set up and if you put in money, you’d get to watch at least 10-15 minutes of something. I’d pay at least $10 to be able to watch TV if I’m stuck in an airport for over an hour

Is this guy like 70 years old? I picture him walking around in a tux, complaining about how everything’s gone down hill since the Beatles wore long hair and trying to institute bans on facial hair.

or who married a lingerie model

Doesn’t he have a convention he has to attend?

I think the bigger question is why he thinks anyone would care that the photo had the most interns in ever taken in a photo

Show your work

They’re like the High Sparrow and his followers, totally obsessed with Cersei while not even caring about the fire breathing orange dragon headed their way

I’d watch if they let Bumgarner hit for himself

The original term applied to DNC/Third Way politics of Clinton & Blair, a way of trying to marry liberal policies with a more business friendly, market driven approach. The idea was to try and come up with new ideas to affect liberal policies as old-timey lefty policy ideas were seen as antiquated and politically

It’s become one of those word’s that used to mean something but has now been so overused and tossed about that it doesn’t really mean anything anymore other than a word that makes people seem progressive and smart in using it. I’m fairly convinced most of the people who toss that word around have no idea what it means

That would be applicable except for the fact each team are only allowed three subs. Oh, and there’s only a short break here or there.

It did. It just landed at the wrong airport

If she’s preggers I might be one of those people who threatens to quit the show and post about it every week after watching the show.

She’s never shown any interest in having Winterfell for herself and running the North. Her whole desire has been to return the Stark name to Winterfell and get the Stark gang back together. She knew Rickon was dead because she had learned from Littlefinger that that’s the way things work and one of the reasons why she

Sorry, but for a Bay Area native who’s watched Warriors fandom go from perplexing to bandwagonesque, they have no right to complain considering the local baseball team wins a WS every other year

Ultimately, Sansa didn’t say anything because Jon wiykdn’t listen to her. That whole line about there being nobody to protect her and her storming off was her ultimately making the decision to get Littlefinger because she knew Jon was doomed.