
If it happens, it won’t be due to righteous indignation but because the games will be played in the winter and thus screwing up everyone’s domestic leagues

Thinking that the GE election is already over and won and then suggesting not to worry about it so you can have an intramural squabble over arcane details in the platform is one of the reasons why Dems always screw things up. No, you should not assume they’ll win and the “forest for the trees” isn’t a platform debate

Ugh- this story contains everything that sucks about offseason European soccer- endless rumors, the ransacking of poorer clubs by the rich ones, and Arsenal

strangely, the Braves marketing department’s slogan: “Our Team Sucks and We’re Moving!” hasn’t quite taken off

He’s from the Bay Area so we here in the Bay Area have been cursed blessed with his presence on a whole host of Bay Area related sporting events.

My first reaction upon reading this was that I read the books twice and I don’t remember any of this. My second reaction is that I still don’t care. And my last reaction is that even after the explanation and the details of how it fits into the larger story, I still don’t care. There’s nothing in there that I read

One of his press flunkies said his VP pick would be like the CFO or CTO, the guy who runs things, while Trump would be the guy who guys on golf outings and charges booze, hookers, and alcohol on the company account to make deals. I don’t think being President would be an issue with him.

Someday they’re going to start digging around his finances to see just how much he’s worth and it’ll be glorious

I always kind of suspected that he’d bail the moment things got too tough for him. He’s just managed to get this far because everybody’s been too easy on him.

snarkers gonna snark

I would bring out the tiny violins for all those people who now have to accept the fact their assistants can’t work 50-60 hour weeks for little pay and no reward but those tiny violins just got laid off along with half the assistants.

Such a shame that with Baylor now cleaning up it’s act, there’s no colleges they could play for anymore

This isn’t really a promising sign of the upcoming election. Hillary will spend months giving sensible and well thought out policy positions and yet Trump could give an entire speech using sock puppets and the networks will carry that. And then they’ll criticize Hillary for not being able to set the agenda

Oh My God, there’s another one of you out there.

Really, I think the Sharks fit into the “her?” category as I never hear them really discussed or mention, although SF tends to roll their eyes at anything involving San Jose. Then there’s all the playoff flameouts which made me stop caring about them.

Close but Bundesliga is a little off the beaten path (says SF Gaints/Tottenham fan, something which would have been cute and cuddly in 2009 but bandwagonesque now)

I wonder what the crossover is between US United fans and people who claim to be fans of the Yankees, Sox, Pats, or Cowboys.

Exactly. For those who lived through the 90's, we watched her get accused of everything from not knowing how to bake cookies to murder. And even if it wasn’t about her, it always somehow got made about her (the press and media was horrible to her).. It’s hard not to smell good when there’s been so much trash thrown at

The Democrats have always been known for having their deepest held position that if s circular firing squad

The Iron Born is a Patriarchal culture so Theon was the rightful heir to the Throne. He had to cosign because it was his by right so he had to abdicate that right to support his sister (who has proven throughout the show that she is worthy of the throne).