
Yeah, I should have probably written my post better as obviously slavery, segregation and the genocide of Native Americans top the list of this country’s worst moments. I just mean more from the standpoint of Trump being the biggest danger to American Democracy in terms of going from a semi-functioning democracy to

both sides say it and both sides should rarely ever, ever, ever say it. This is one of the cases where it might be allowable

he’s a photo-fascist con man using xenophobic and racist comments to win the White House through a wave of resentment towards minorities. He’s LePen in France, Pim Fortyn in Denmark, and any number of far-right populists sweeping through Europe. At best, he’s Silvio Berlusconi- a corrupt clown who turned Italy into a

100 points to Slytherin for some good old fashioned anti-semitism. Actually, even Slytherin would probably put you on probation for something that baldly anti-semitic

Can you please read Hillary’s proposals and then pay attention to the news before spouting about crap that’s basically internet gibberish?

They’re relatively healthy in even years and then the entire team gets injured the next. Or you could look at is the Devil Magic the team has works but then extracts it’s price the next year

If I wax to pick any show that would do something like this, Always Sunny would not be on the top the list.

If I was a ball player, it might be my walk up song

They’re kind of prickly, don’t show much of a sense of humor and Thom’s a super annoying douchey art guy. They’ve also alternated between barely tolerable avant grade synthy/dance stuff to more melodic stuff since the start of Bush administration and their fans can be annoying. On the other hand, go listen to “In

So what you want about all the bloops and bleeps of post-2000 Radiohead (and as a fan I’ll agree with it) but Myxomatosis rocks pretty f’ing hard

I still find the Bends kind of meh but it was OK Computer that completely hooked me. Almost twenty years later, that album still blows me away. Everytime I listen to it, I always hear something in it I’d never heard before

Hey kids- this is why voting Democrat in a Presidential election is very important. Because you get Justice Departments who do stuff like this. The previous Republican President had his Justice Department spend their time trying to uncover “voter fraud” to the point they tried to fire nine US Attorney’s when they were

I lean towards Hillary and often defend her online on Gawker due to the often Messianic beliefs of Bernie supporters but I can’t really say I really like her that much or would feel super excited to vote for her. It’s kind of a shame that with so much on the line and with there being such potential for progressive

According to the polls, a vast amount of Democrats are in the same cap as you are- they support one or the other but are perfectly fine with voting for either in the general (as am I). It’s just not an easy position to start internet votes over

I so agree. I wish we could fuse a candidate that has Bernie’s passion and desire for reform and change with Hillary’s smarts and toughness (Bernary Clanders).

Can we strike a deal where a hockey team from Canada has to be in the NHL playoffs in exchange for Trudeau being able to be our next President? There’s an outside chance Canadians might go for it

They should have done some IVF thing to spawn a Landon Donovan/Alex Morgan kid or seek an arranged mart sign between Carli Lloyd and Neymar

Just further proof that if the USSF is really serious about becoming a world power, they need to send a bunch of college age soccer playing co-eds for a Semester abroad and hope a few of them forget their contraception

You might talk to half the posters on Gawker who are claiming they’ll sit this one out because of Hillary

According to Nate Silver, if Trump’s negatives with women voters stay what they are now (he has between 30 and 40% approval rates with Republican women) and they stay out of the election, we’re looking at a Mondale/Reagan type race where a lot of even red states could flip as Trump’s base will mainly consist of white