
That’s sort of my point- that I don’t want football banned but I want everybody who plays the sport, wants to play the sport, and is a fan of the sport to know exactly what is at stake when people play it. I’ve stopped caring about football for the past few years and while some of it is because of other things (I find

That’s my view too- the sport will remain impossibly popular, people will still be lining up to play, but it’ll take 3-4 lawsuits by parents whose son was either injured or killed because of the sport that’ll do it in. Even those powerhouse high schools in Texas might shy away for it if it could mean millions upon

But (and I ask this honestly) were you aware of just exactly what all those concussions could possibly lead up to? I mean we all know concussions aren’t a good thing but knowing that it leads to CTE and a whole host of other issues makes them more difficult to pass off so lightly. It wasn’t a few years ago, in fact,

When people say “we’ve always known football can kill people” what they’re really saying is “we sort of knew it but don’t want to know anything else about it” (and I’m not saying this to be snarky or as an attack of on you). For instance, concussions, which is the single biggest issue in football, is something people

Because it’s been scientifically shown over the past few years that playing football can actually kill people or turn them into vegetables people are only now connecting the dots and realizing that those “kids die every year from playing sports” are mainly from playing football and is something inherent of football.

Beane’s just saving the water up so he can trade it in the offseason

Lost in all of this was the questionable take out slide on the Rangers catcher that could easily have counted as a double play what with the new Rules about plays at the plate

This is a photo of him before the bat flip. This man is a bad ass

As a Giants fan, I’ve never wanted to see the Mets win more

It should also be said that this game is pretty much flat out bonkers insane featuring one of the greatest choke jobs in baseball history

Not that I spend a lot of time researching it but I read a bunch of articles talking about the necessity of doing all that and talk about doing all of that but how much action is there in doing so? The entire theory of the US becoming a soccer power rests a lot on the idea that we’ll start integrating all the

Has there been any changes to the system? We’re probably not going to make the Olympics and I heard even the U19 team is getting crushed. I haven’t heard of any serious reforms that’s been made other than the MLS teams stepping up with creating academies for youth players which is more something the MLS does and not

Klinnsman’s also married to an American woman and has lived in the States for 18 years. His son even plays for Stanford’s soccer team. No other big name soccer coach is just hanging around in LA with nothing else to do like Jurgen was

yeah, this was actually related to a game being played. Going Goodell would be putting together a six month investigation to determine if Utley used too much pine tar on his bat.

Not to date myself, but I remember somebody photocopying the schedule in the paper and passing them around to people. Don’t know how the kids are doing it these days

don’t forget back in the old days when people had office pools where somebody would walk around with the upcoming week’s games and everybody would choose the winners

You can blame the refs for the first goal but that goal wouldn’t have happened if City didn’t stand around in a huff because the call wasn’t made and didn’t notice Dier had the ball and was about to shoot

One of my favorite parts of the story is reading comments on other blogs full of people defending Papelbon because Harper DOESN’T PLAY THE GAME THE RIGHT WAY and should always run hard every time he hits the ball because that’s how they played back in the old days when everybody was David Eckstein. This despite the

That’s all a fair point- I have no doubt she could be a good President but four to eight more years of anti-Clinton hysteria is a bit stomach churning. The worst part is that the press still isn’t self-aware enough to realize how responsible they are for all of this and still treat everything she does or say like it’s

I thought Tottenham played later today?